Visit our website: HTTP://WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

  Reminds me of those characters, Oxfor... 

On 1 Sep 01, at 5:11, Rick Rozoff wrote:

> Visit our website: HTTP://WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK
> ---------------------------------------------
> [This 'report' is from Transitions Online, one of
> heaven knows how many newspapers and Web sites owned
> by George S. throughout Eastern Europe and the world.
> I would seriously doubt that he himself can remember
> what he owns, except that there's very little he
> doesn't, so by process of elimination....Anyway, they
> can all be depended upon to toe the line.
> With the billions of dollars being lavishly dished out
> by the State Department, the OSCE, the National
> Endowment for Democracy, the Open Society Institute
> and scores of others, it's downright reassuring that
> the best they can come up with are adolescent
> inanities like those described below.
> Enough to give one faith in the future.
> "Times for changes," indeed]
> posted on TOL Wire on 31 August 2001 
> Happy birthday, Lukashenka! 
> from Racyja 
> MINSK, 30 August (Racyja)--Members of the youth
> opposition organization Malady Front intended to give
> incumbent Alyaksandr Lukashenka a criminal code,
> tomatoes, and dried crusts for his birthday. The
> action was staged near the president?s administration.
> Demonstrators held orange balloons with the slogan "I
> love Belarus" and a ballot-box with the inscription
> "Chose another president!", in which they placed the
> gifts for Lukashenka. They were recommended by
> policemen to mail their presents to the president.
> Meanwhile, the youth coalition "Time for changes" was
> also gathering presents for Lukashenka on the Freedom
> Square, including an old bed pan, a pack of crusts,
> and chicken eggs. Their slogan was: "Make a present
> for the dear man in the last days of his fruitful
> activities!". 
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