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Did I hear 30 days, or was it 30 years they said?

Balkan pipeline under way soon

               SOFIA (AFP) - The construction of an oil pipeline across
the Balkans from
               Bulgaria's Black Sea port of Burgas to Vlore on Albania's
Adriatic coast should
               begin by the end of the year, the US-led consortium in
charge of the operation
               said yesterday.
               The 890-kilometer (550-mile) pipeline, which will cross
the troubled republic of
               the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), will
take four years to
               build, cost 1.13 billion dollars (1.24 billion euros) and
have a daily capacity of
               750,000 barrels of crude oil, said Ted Ferguson of the
Balkan pipeline
               consortium (AMBO). "I believe the decision will be made
by the end of the year
               and real work to develop the project will begin at the
end of the year," he said.
               Speaking before a meeting with Bulgaria's Deputy Prime
Minister Kostadin
               Pascalev, Ferguson said the pipeline was needed as an
alternative to the
               Bosphorus sea route through Turkey to bring oil from
Central Asia to western
               markets via the Black Sea.
               The Bosphorus shipping route would be insufficient to
transport growing oil
               supplies of oil coming from the Caspian Sea region, he
said, pointing out that a
               pipeline linking Kazakhstan to Russia's Black Sea port of
Novorossisk was due
               to begin pumping in September.
               Bulgaria has said it will also back plans for a pipeline
linking Burgas to the
               Greek port of Alexandroupolis on the Aegean Sea. The
700-million-dollar pipeline
               would stretch 320 kilometers and transport 40 million
tons of oil annually.
               But Ferguson said AMBO's route was a better choice. "We
believe that the port
               of Vlore is more attractive than the ports in the Aegean
Sea for exports because
               it's deeper water (and) closer to the areas and ports
where the oil will be sold,"
               he said. Oil arriving in Vlore would be transported via
Rotterdam to the United
               States, he said.

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