Visit our website: HTTP://WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK


It's the Black Stuff, the Texas Tea, shipped out of
Valona in super-supertankers to the US. of A.

This means the area and Greater Albania have the most
enormous strategic significance.

The US. NSE. MUST have control of those
ultra-strategic oil supplies as everywhere else runs

--- apliedms <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Visit our website: HTTP://WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK
> ---------------------------------------------
> It is all about oil after all.  And oil to the US,
> not Europe
> (Vlore-Rotherdam-US).
> The NATO's map of the Balkans is shaping up more and
> more
> like the Axis' (Germany and Italy) map during WW2.
> Kosovo, Northern and Western Macedonia will be given
> to
> Albania/KLA in return for protecting their half of
> the pipeline.
> The reminder of Macedonia will be given to Bulgaria
> for a
> similar deal.
> Will Greece get anything?  Not likely, but a little
> present
> around Southern Macedonian lakes is not completely
> out
> of the question.
> NLA/KLA has taken over the control of Northern
> Macedonia,
> which is, obviosly, on the chosen route for the AMBO
> pipeline.
> That was NATO plan from the start of the "Macedonia
> crisis",
> achieved through ethnic cleansing of the Macedonian
> population
> from this area.
> "Macedonian Slavs" are obviously not to be trusted
> with
> American oil, like their Serbian religious and
> ethnic relatives.
> Bulgarians (although Slavs) have cooperated very
> well with Nazi
> Germany during WW2 so they, obviosly, can be
> trusted.
> Albanians were amongst the most trustworthy German
> allies
> during WW2, so they are implicitly trusted by the
> US.
> The 6th Fleet will safeguard the Mediterranian oil
> tanker route.
> That is it.  Simple.
> -------------------------------------------------
> This Discussion List is the follow-up for the old
> stopnato that has been shut down

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