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Jiang's DPRK Visit Yields Major Influence on Northeast Asian Strategic

A signed article carried in Hong Kong
<> -based Wen Wai Pao on
September 4 points out that Jiang Zemin
<> 's visit to
the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK
<> ) is both an inheritance
and development of the traditional friendship and a push to the relations of
cooperation between the two sides in the 21st century.

This represents a major Chinese diplomatic action at the beginning of the
new century. This trip by Jiang Zemin will exert great, far-reaching
positive influence on the strategic security pattern of Northeast Asia.

The article points out Jiang Zemin, general secretary of the Central
Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and Chinese president, set
off yesterday on an official friendship visit to Korea, the Korean people
from all walks of life held a grandest ceremony in history to welcome the
distinguished Chinese guest.

President Jiang's Korea visit has long been under planning, but under the
current regional and peninsular situation, his trip still arouses the
widespread attention of international public opinion, various quarters
cherish many expectations of this, trying to get to know its strategic

The article says that since last year, great changes have taken place in the
situation in the Korean Peninsula, the DPRK-ROK
<>  summit has been the focus
of world attention, historic breakthroughs have been made in North-South
conciliation, which have been highly praised by the international community.

Around the time of this period, Korea's diplomacy was very active, it either
established or restored diplomatic relations with many countries,
particularly EU nations, Russia
<> n President
Vladimir Putin visited Korea, so did the US Secretary of State.

However, the US Bush administration's adjustment of its policy toward Korea
as well as the emergence of various complicated factors regarding the
peninsular issue have created some difficulties in North-South conciliation

The United States <>
worried that the fast progress in the peninsular conciliation would upset
its military security strategy, so its attitude toward Korea tended to
become stiff, recently the United States demanded a reduction in Korea's
conventional armament, which was flatly rejected by Korea.

The United States has drawn Japan
<>  together to jointly
urge the ROK to take a prudent attitude toward Korea's change. It is against
this background that Korea has tried hard, through active diplomatic
operations, to impel the opposite side to make self-examination.

Not long ago, Kim Jong Il visited Russia via Siberia, during which he had a
friendly, in-depth meeting with Putin and reached many agreements, thus
heating up Korean-Russian relations.

Korea's invitation to Jiang Zemin to pay an official visit and granting him
the warmest friendly reception is based on strategic consideration. On the
eve of President Jiang Zemin's visit, DPRK made a friendly gesture to the
ROK, suggesting that negotiation be resumed as soon as possible, which
received quick and affirmative response from the ROK, this can be seen as an
initial result gained for this strategy.

The article notes that for many years China has continued its huge amounts
of aid to Korea, it has offered timely help to Korea when the latter was in
economic difficulties by providing it with large amounts of materials such
as grain, coke, crude oil and chemical fertilizer.

China has always devoted its efforts to the peninsula's peace and stability
and firmly supported Korea's efforts in safeguarding State sovereignty and
security. China is a signatory party to the truce agreement of the Korean
Peninsula and a member of the "quadripartite negotiation" and bears
responsibility for the final solution to the peninsular issue.

Among all big countries, China maintains very close relations with both the
north and south sides of the Peninsula, thus having a unique position.

China extends clear-cut supports to the efforts of both North and South
Korea to improve their relations and realize independent and peaceful
reunification and welcomes Korea's endeavor to improve and normalize its
relations with some countries, this stand fully demonstrates the breadth of
mind and feeling of China as a big country, it conforms to the historical
trend, gives consideration to the national feeling of the peninsular people
and has thus received the universal respect from various parties.


Chinese, DPRK Leaders Vow to Further Bilateral Ties.

China's top leader Jiang Zemin and DPRK leader Kim Jong Il talked Monday in
Pyongyang and reached a wide-reaching consensus on furthering bilateral ties
and on major international and regional issues of common concern.
Jiang Zemin, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central
Committee and the Chinese president, reiterated China's firm commitment to
safeguarding and promoting peace and stability on the Korean peninsula, and
its support to efforts by the two sides on the peninsula to promote
North-South dialogue to improve bilateral ties, ease tensions and achieve
peaceful reunification.
Jiang also expressed China's support for the DPRK's efforts to improve its
relations with the United States, Japan, the European Union and to
eventually normalize relations with all these countries or group of
Kim Jong Il, general-secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea (
WPK) Central Committee and chairman of the National Defense Commission, said
that closer friendship and cooperation in various fields between DPRK and
China is not only in the interests of the two countries, but also
contributes to peace and development in Asia and the world at large.
It is the consistent position of the DPRK party and government to value and
carry forward the traditional friendship between the two countries, he said,
adding that Jiang's current visit is of great significance to furthering
this traditional friendship.
On his part, Jiang expressed satisfaction with the positive efforts and
results by the two sides on the peninsula to implement the consensus reached
by the leaders of the two sides during their talks in Beijing in May last
He said that despite drastic changes in international situations and
domestic conditions of the two countries over the past decade, traditional
friendship initiated and cultivated by leaders of the older generation of
the two countries remains unchanged and have experienced further development
in the new situations.
The Chinese leader said that it is a firm guideline of the Chinese Communist
Party and the government to consolidate and develop the traditional
China-DPRK ties of friendship and cooperation initiated and promoted by the
old-generation leaders of the two countries.
He pledged China's concerted efforts in the new century with the DPRK party,
government and people, to elevate bilateral ties to a new high in the spirit
of carrying on the good tradition, looking forward to the future and
promoting bilateral ties of good neighborliness and friendly cooperation.
Jiang noted that Kim's two recent visits to China, one in May last year and
the other in January this year, further enhanced mutual understandings,
trust and friendship between the two parties, countries and peoples, and
contributed to bilateral exchange and cooperation in various fields. He
expressed the belief that his current visit to the DPRK will make new
contributions to the friendship in the new century.
The two leaders also briefed each other on the domestic situation of their
Jiang spoke highly of the Korean people's achievements in overcoming various
difficulties, and building a strong and prosperous country, and promoting
foreign relations and the cause of the country's independent and peaceful
Kim noted that the Chinese people, under the leadership of the CPC headed by
Jiang, have scored great achievements in their modernization drive and in
boosting China's relations with other countries and promoting reunification
of the country. 
During the talks, the Chinese side promised to provide the DPRK with
assistance, including grains and other materials. Kim expressed appreciation
for China's aid. 
Before the talks, Jiang visited the Kumsusan Memorial Palace and paid
respects to the remains of late leader Kim Il Sung.


Friendship With DPRK Withstands Test of Time: Jiang.
The friendship between China and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
(DPRK) has withstood the test of time and history, said the Chinese leader
Jiang Zemin on Monday.
Jiang, who is on a three-day visit to DPRK in his capacity of the general
secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and the
Chinese president, made the remarks at a banquet given in honor by his host
Kim Jong Il, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) Central
Committee and chairman of the National Defense Commission (NDC).
Jiang recalled the DPRK trip he made 11 years ago, saying that the
friendship between the two countries "has withstood the test of time and
history and shown a strong vitality with a profound basis."
At the juncture of the new century, China is happy to see that with joint
efforts from both sides, the flower of friendship planted and watered by the
Chinese and Korean leaders of the old generation has blossomed with bright
colors, Jiang said in a speech at the dinner.
"The friendship has been maintained and developed under the new historical
conditions and the peoples of both countries are happy about it, and all
peace-loving nations and peoples in the world welcomes it," the CPC leader
Jiang said that the CPC, the Chinese government and the Chinese people are
determined to push the party-to-party relations and state-to-state relations
between the two countries to a new level in this new century.
This will be done in the spirit of inheriting the tradition, orienting to
the future, promoting good-neighborliness and friendship and strengthening
cooperation, the Chinese leader said. This will be done for prosperity and
development both in China and the DPRK, and for peace and stability in the
region and the world at large.
China would continue to work for furthering good-neighborly relations of
friendship and cooperation not only with the DPRK but also with all other
neighboring countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful
Co-Existence and other widely accepted principles guiding international
relations, Jiang said.
He praised the DPRK people for their perseverance and achievements made
under the leadership of the WPK in overcoming difficulties and building
socialism with Korean characteristics initiated by Kim Il Sung, the father
of Kim Jong Il. 
The DPRK has scored remarkable achievements in the past few years in
economic recovery and development, in foreign relations, in the relations
between the two sides on the Korean peninsula, and in the cause of
independent and peaceful reunification, Jiang said.
He said he believes that the DPRK people will overcome any difficulty and
make greater achievements, marching on the road of development mapped to fit
the country's specific conditions.
The future for the DPRK is bound to be brighter and the Korean peninsula is
for sure to be more stable and prosperous, Jiang said.
Jiang also talked about the CPC, citing its history of 80 years and its
membership of over 64 million.
History proves it is the CPC who has created a new China and brought about
progress in China over the past five decades or more, the Chinese leader


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