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A pre-term voting started yesterday in Belarus to elect the republic of Belarus's president (the voting is due to last for 5 days, September 4th-8th). Voting stations have opened all over Belarus and also in foreign countries. Public opinion survey results and also election results’ forecasts may not be published for the time of the elections.
There are 3 candidates: the incumbent Aleksandr Lukashenko, leader of the Liberal Democratic Party Sergei Gaidukevich, and Belarus’s trade union leader
Vladimir Goncharik.
Mr. Lukashenko met yesterday with his supporters in the Palace of the Republic. In all, some 2,500 gathered there - they asked his candidate all kinds of questions. Mr. Lukashenko, in turn, blasted OSCE supervisors and the US ambassador to Belarus. According to Mr. Lukashenko, OSCE representative Hans Jorg Wick will have to leave Minsk, Belarus’s capital, after the elections. The same implied to US Ambassador Michael Kosak (who earlier compiled US State Secretary Colin Powell’s address on the occasion of 10th anniversary of Belarus’s independece where the republic was referred to as the “only rogue in Europe.”) Mr. Lukashenko thanked Belarus’s intelligence for retrieving this address from the American embassy and laying it on the president’s table 10 days ahead of its planned publication.
An unprecedented information-and-psychological war has been undertaken against Belarus on the even of this election, Mr. Lukashenko stressed. According to him, foreign secret services are carrying out a special operation called “White Stork” aimed at removing Mr. Lukashenko and replacing him by a pro-Western president with a subsequent change in the country’s political system. But “no Yugoslav scenarios will materialize,” and the Belarussian people will not allow Americans to dictate them how to live. At that, Mr. Lukashnko adduced some evidence of foreign funds participating Mr. Goncharic’s election campaign. Mr. Lukashenko went on to say that economic issues have been and will be his priority, and in case he is re-elected, “evolutionary reforms will be continued in Belarus.”

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