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What's left of the nation should now be known as
FFYROM - the Former Former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia. Brothers and sisters, your troubles have
just begun:
"But there were signs the rebels were prepared for any
contingency in case the deal stumbles later.
A group of fighters, holding semiautomatic rifles,
trained in formation in Lipkovo, about 12 miles
northeast of Skopje."

Macedonia Lawmakers Back Peace Plan 
By Katarina Kratovac
Associated Press Writer
Thursday, Sept. 6, 2001; 9:36 a.m. EDT
SKOPJE, Macedonia –– Macedonia's peace process cleared
a crucial test Thursday as parliament backed its
overall framework and opened the way for NATO to
resume collecting weapons from ethnic Albanian rebels.

The vote passed 91-19, with two abstentions, following
a nearly weeklong process in which many lawmakers
assailed the pact but conceded the consequences of
defiance were too grave. 
Parliament backing was vital to the effort to end the
six-month-old conflict. But the assembly was only
asked whether to back the general concept of the
accord: granting wider ethnic Albanian rights in
exchange for rebel disarmament. 
The difficult – and potentially disruptive – details
come next. Lawmakers will now have to decide on the
specific constitutional changes. 
Under the accord, brokered by American and European
mediators, ethnic Albanians would receive greater
political autonomy and authority to use Albanian as
the official language in some areas. Ethnic Albanians
make up about a third of the nation's 2 million
"This peace process is crucial to regional security,"
said German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer, who was
in Skopje. The European Union has offered the nation
increased aid if the peace process moves forward. 
Rejection would have thrown the peace process into
NATO was awaiting the parliament decision to resume
collecting weapons from the rebel National Liberation
Army, or NLA, possibly immediately after the vote or
Friday. It has already taken more than a third of the
3,300-piece arsenal to be surrendered by late this
"I am an optimist ... both sides are fed up with war,"
said NLA spokesman Nazim Beqiri. 
But there were signs the rebels were prepared for any
contingency in case the deal stumbles later. 
A group of fighters, holding semiautomatic rifles,
trained in formation in Lipkovo, about 12 miles
northeast of Skopje. 
"We are brave soldiers," they chanted. 
And an incident Tuesday underscored the tensions. 
A Macedonian paramilitary gunman fired on an ethnic
Albanian police officer driving near the city of
Tetovo, said NATO spokesman Maj. Barry Johnson. The
officer was not injured, but British NATO soldiers
intervened to prevent a clash between the paramilitary
unit and armed ethnic Albanian civilians, he said. 
"The main goal of the world community is to prevent
the development of the situation in Macedonia from
leading to destabilization of the situation and not to
worsen the already difficult situation in the
Balkans," said Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov in
He met with Western envoys seeking possible Russian
support for an international presence in Macedonia
after the NATO mission. 

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