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[Jack Deverell. Jack. Like the U.S.
Ambassador-Designate to Slovenia, the one who's
demanding the Slovenes privatize their entire economy
and return property to World War Two era nazi
collaborators as a precondition for joining NATO:
Butch. Slim. Rocky. Bruiser. Killer. Rambo.
It's not as though these inferiority complex-riven
traitors don't know who and what they're dealing with.
But the British and Americans are Ubermenschen and
their will must be obeyed.
I grew up in a largely ethnic Slovak neighborhood and
knew them to be honest and self-respecting people.
A pity. A crime.]  

General Deverell Rates Reform of Slovak Army Highly
BRATISLAVA, Sep 6, 2001 -- (CTK - Czech News Agency)
Information about Slovakia's preparedness for NATO
accession and reform of the Slovak Army were on the
agenda of a brief visit by NATO chief commander for
Northern Europe Jack Deverell today.
Deverell met President Rudolf Schuster, Defense
Minister Jozef Stank and chief of Staff Milan
Cerovsky. He praised the state of Slovakia's
preparedness for NATO. The British general confirmed
that according to the previous knowledge Slovakia was
among serious candidates for NATO membership.
Deverell said that it was important that the reform
plan called for a reduction of the Slovak armed
forces, while raising their quality and realistically
reflecting the country's economic situation. Deverell
will see a crack unit of the Slovak Army on Thursday
and then leave.
((c) 2001 CTK - Czech News Agency) 

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