Visit our website: HTTP://WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

Dear Rick and all...

just had a question about this post.  Most of these 24 reasons were drafted by myself 
at Richard's request and can be found in various postings to the NO_TO_NATO list that 
is organizing the anti-NATO protest in Ottawa.  Alot of the wording in this post is 
taken directly from my initial posts on Richard Sanders' list.  I don't want to cause 
problems with him or get into an argument, but shouldn't he acknowledge our (STOPNATO) 
contribution to his list (in the sense that a lot of my info was culled from various 
STOPNATO posts we have all contributed to)?  Shouldn't he have also told me about 
this?  Of course I was in Ecuador, so maybe he did try to contact me and I never 
responded...How should I approach this?

       COAT: 24 Reasons To Oppose NATO [WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK]
       Thu, 6 Sep 2001 2:17:25 AM Eastern Daylight Time
       Rick Rozoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

 <PRE>Visit our website: <A HREF=" HTTP://WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

 [Richard Sanders is the coordinator of the Coalition
 to Oppose the Arms Race [COAT] and is organizing the
 "No to NATO: Festival of Creative NonViolence" in
 Ottawa, Canada on October 6th to protest the NATO PA
 meeting there from October 5-8.
 The following compilation of reasons to oppose NATO is
 the most comprehensive and convincing I've ever seen,
 and I would strongly encourage all friends of peace
 and international justice to contact Richard and offer
 And please pass this on to friends and other contacts.

 From: Richard Sanders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | 


 In preparation for COAT's "No to NATO: Festival of
 Creative NonViolence"
 (on Oct. 6, in Ottawa), I've produced a tentative list
 of "REASONS TO OPPOSE NATO."  Please feel free to
 suggest additional reasons or ways to improve the
 list.  This is a draft.

 Richard Sanders, Coordinator,
 Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade (COAT)

 P.S. Perhaps another reason to oppose NATO is that
 activists like us have to waste so much of our lives
 opposing it!


 (1) NATO is a creature of the Cold War and should be
 abolished, not expanded.

 (2) NATO's official military doctrine reserves for
 itself the right to use nuclear weapons despite the
 fact that in 1996 the World Court made such use, or
 threat, illegal.  NATO's "first use" nuclear weapons
 policy means it is willing to use nuclear weapons even
 when none have been used against them.  The use of
 nuclear weapons contravenes International 
 Humanitarian Law because civilian deaths would be
 massive and indiscriminate.  
 NATO's nuclear weapons also pose the risk of
 environmental catastrophe, including the global
 holocaust of "nuclear winter."  NATO's nuclear weapons

 policy also contravenes the Nonproliferation Treaty
 (to which all NATO members are signatories) that
 requires all states to press quickly to abolish 
 nuclear weapons.  NATO member states (US, UK and
 France) now have more than 9,000 nuclear warheads in
 active service, about 60% of the world's nuclear
 arsenal.  These three NATO states have committed some
 of their nuclear weapons to NATO for its use in war. 
 NATO itself maintains between 60 and 200 nuclear
 weapons at airbases in Western Europe.  NATO's nuclear

 weapons and the threat of their use are a means of
 coercion and intimidation, especially against states
 that do not possess these weapons.

 (3) NATO's powerful core members (the U.S., the U.K.,
 France, Germany, Holland, Belgium and Spain) have a
 long history of controlling vast empires.  Former
 colonies of these NATO countries -- today's Third 
 World -- still suffer from tragic economic
 inequalities resulting from hundreds of years of
 imperialism imposed by nations that are now members of
 Transnational corporations controlled by economic
 interests in NATO countries continue to dominate these
 former colonies under a neoliberal economic system now
 labeled "corporate globalization."

 (4) According to the Stockholm International Peace
 Research Institute, about 80% of the world's total
 military equipment was produced by NATO members in
 1996.  The following NATO members are among the
 world's top ten military producers: the U.S., the
 U.K., France, Germany, Italy and Canada.
 The U.S., U.K. and France alone contributed about 70%
 of world's total arms production for that year.  

 (5) After the disappearance of the Soviet Union and
 the Warsaw Pact, NATO became increasingly irrelevant
 and needed a reason for its continued existence.  NATO
 therefore escalated its efforts to foment ethnic wars 
 in the Balkans in order to create excuses for its own
 military interventions in the region. NATO's
 interventions -- so-called "humanitarian wars" --
 were then sold to the public as a means of settling
 conflicts between ethnic groups.  NATO's real purpose
 is to expand the colonial spheres of influence of its
 member states and their corporate allies.

 (6) NATO waged a war of aggression against Yugoslavia
 that was illegal under its own Charter and various
 international laws.

 (7) NATO forces used 1,200 warplanes and helicopters
 to fly 35,000 combat missions against Yugoslavia.  It
 dropped 20,000 bombs and missiles containing 80,000
 tons of explosives on that country.  Contrary to
 international law, NATO targeted civilian
 infrastructure, including over 1,000 targets of no
 military significance, such as: schools, hospitals,
 farms, bridges, roads, railways, waterlines, media
 stations, historic and cultural monuments, museums,
 factories, oil refineries and petrochemical

 (8) NATO's illegal bombing campaign severely impacted
 the health of Yugoslavia's civilian population. 
 Thousands of civilians were killed, at least 6,000
 were injured and countless others, especially
 suffered severe psychological trauma.

 (9) According to the UN Environmental Program, NATO's
 bombing campaign triggered an ecological catastrophe
 in Yugoslavia and the surrounding region.

 (10) In its war against Yugoslavia, NATO used weapons
 that are prohibited by the Hague and Geneva
 Conventions and the Nuremburg Charter, such as
 depleted uranium missiles that are radioactive and
 highly toxic weapons with long-term, life-threatening
 health and environmental consequences, and
 anti-personnel cluster bombs designed to kill and maim
 (that contravene the "Ottawa Process on Landmines"
 because many "bomblets" do not explode during
 initial impact).  NATO continues to stockpile these
 prohibited weapons for use against civilian
 populations in future wars.

 (11) After its bombing of Yugoslavia, NATO refused to
 disarm the Kosovo Liberation Army  (KLA) as required
 by United Nations resolution 1244.
 Instead, NATO converted the KLA into the Kosovo
 Protection Force supposedly to maintain peace and
 order in NATO-controlled Kosovo.  Under the watchful
 eye of 40,000 NATO troops, the revamped KLA terrorists
 ethnically cleansed the area of 250,000 people who
 were not of Albanian heritage (as well as some ethnic
 Albanians loyal to Yugoslavia).  During NATO's
 occupation, 1,300 citizens have been killed and
 another 1,300 have been reported missing.  Kosovo's
 remaining minorities have no freedom of movement, 
 live in ghettoes and face frequent terrorist attacks
 and property destruction. 

 (12) NATO appointed Agim Ceku, an alleged war
 criminal, as commander of the Kosovo Protection Force.
 Ceku, an Albanian Kosovar, led the Croatian army's
 "Operation Storm" that ethnically cleansed the Serbian
 population from their ancestral lands in Croatia.  If
 the Hague were to pursue an indictment of Ceku, and
 other such terrorists, it would be a major
 embarrassment to their NATO bosses.

 (13) As an occupying colonial power, NATO forces
 helped to enforce the cancellation of election results
 in Bosnia, shut down the offices and transmission
 towers of media stations that were critical of NATO's 
 presence and seized the assets of political parties
 that refused to cooperate with them.

 (14) The exploitative behavior rampant in military
 culture is exemplified by the actions of NATO troops
 based in the Balkans.  For example, NATO troops fuel
 the demand for prostitution in both Bosnia and Kosovo.
  The women who service NATO troops live in deplorable
 conditions and are frequently held against their will
 by local captors.  When evidence of 
 UN or NATO involvement in this trade has surfaced,
 implicated officers have been discharged and sent home
 but no criminal proceedings have ever been initiated
 against them.

 (15) NATO has been a prime source of destabilization
 in Macedonia by giving military assistance to Albanian
 terrorists there.  The London Times (June 10, 2001)
 reported that NATO's appointee to the Kosovo
 Force, Agim Ceku, sent 800 KLA troops to Macedonia to
 aid the nascent Albanian insurgency there.  This June,
 NATO troops intervened to evacuate KLA fighters when
 Macedonian forces closed in on the rebels near
 German media reports state that NATO's evacuation was
 ordered because 17 former U.S. military personnel --
 hardened by years of Balkan fighting and working for a
 private U.S. mercenary group -- were among the KLA
 terrorists.  NATO has also used diplomatic means to
 pressure the Macedonian government to succumb to
 Albanian demands.

 (16) NATO's aggressive policy of expansion into
 Eastern Europe severely threatens international
 stability.  With NATO's annexation of the Czech
 Republic, Hungary and Poland now complete, Albania,
 Bulgaria, Estonia, Georgia, Latvia, Lithuania,
 Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia have declared an
 interest in joining the NATO juggernaut.  NATO has
 also set its sights on penetrating even further into
 former Soviet spheres of influence by trying to
 encompass Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and the
 Ukraine.  NATO's intention to press beyond the former
 borders of the Soviet Union is dangerously
 confrontational and risks provoking war with Russia.

 (17) NATO's expansion into Central and Eastern Europe
 is a means of integrating the military forces within
 those countries under NATO (and largely U.S.) control 
 As military units within NATO, the armed forces 
 of new NATO member states must submit to demands for
 standardization of military training, weapons and
 other military equipment. Requirements that new
 members standardize their military equipment to NATO's
 exacting specifications is a tremendous boon to U.S.
 and European military industries that profit greatly
 from these expanded export markets.

 (18) New NATO member states may also lose sovereignty
 over other important aspects of their armed forces,
 such as the command, control, communications and
 intelligence functions, which also risk being subsumed
 under the auspices of NATO standardization.

 (19) The reasons for NATO's expansion eastward are
 largely economic. For instance, NATO's military access
 and control over Eastern Europe helps Western European
 corporations to secure strategic energy resources such

 as oil from the Caspian Sea and Central Asia.  The
 U.S. and Western European corporations will greatly
 benefit from NATO's control of the oil corridor
 through the Caucasus mountains.  NATO wants its troops
 to patrol this pipeline and to dominate the
 Armenian/Russian route to the Caspian Sea.
 The Caucasus also link the Adriatic-Ceyhan-Baku
 pipeline with oil-rich countries even farther east, in
 the former Soviet Central Asia republics of
 Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.  Billions of dollars in oil
 may someday flow through these corridors to Western
 Europe for the benefit of Western-based oil companies.

 (20) NATO's growth is not only a provocation to
 Russia, it also threatens the security of China and
 other Asian states that may respond in kind by
 increasing their military spending, thus diverting
 resources from the essential needs of their citizens. 
 NATO's expansion may eventually provoke an anti-NATO
 alliance in Asia, further destabilizing peace and
 leading to possible future wars.

 (21) As part of the "NATO Defence Capabilities
 Initiative," NATO member states have committed
 themselves to increase their military abilities 
 for "power projection, mobility and increased
 interoperability."  This will require significant
 additional military expenditures.  European NATO
 countries have already increased their expenditures
 for military  equipment by 11% in real terms since
 1995.  Meanwhile, military budgets in the U.S.
 and Canada have also increased over the past two
 years.  The military budgets of NATO countries
 amounted to about 60% of the world's total
 military spending (US$798 billion) for the year 2000.
 Rather than focusing on such genuinely humanitarian
 priorities as providing food, housing, health care,
 education, environmental protection and public 
 transportation for their populations and the rest of
 the world, NATO is intent on increasing their military
 budgets for future interventions even farther

 (22) The testing and training conducted by NATO to
 prepare for war, also has numerous negative impacts on
 people and the environment.  NATO's war preparations
 include military exercises, the training of pilots and
 the testing of weapons and warplanes.  For instance,
 low level flight training areas and bombing ranges in
 Nitassinan threaten the traditional lifestyle of many
 in the Innu Nation.  Their unceded territory in Quebec
 and Labrador is being turned into a military wasteland
 by NATO test flights.  NATO nations also carry out
 dangerous bombing practices on Vieques Island, 
 off Puerto Rico.

 (23) In the late 1940s-early 1950s, at the bidding of
 the CIA, NATO helped to set up secret paramilitary,
 anti-communist cells in at least 16 European
 states.  Originally called Operation "Stay Behind,"
 this network of guerrilla armies was created to fight
 behind the lines in case of a Soviet invasion.  It was
 codified under the umbrella of the Clandestine
 Co-ordinating Committee of the Supreme Headquarters
 Allied Powers Europe (which became NATO).  These
 clandestine armies were condemned by the European
 Union in a resolution (Dec. 22, 1990) that blamed the
 CIA and NATO for their 40 year role in overseeing this
 covert operation.  Widely known by the code name for
 the Italian campaign (i.e., "Operation Gladio") 
 these organizations, which the EU feared may still
 have been operating in 1990, were accused of illegal
 interference in political affairs, conducting
 terrorist attacks, jeopardizing democractic structures
 and other serious crimes.

 (24) Key NATO representatives have interfered with
 internal electoral/political developments in Europe. 
 Although recent elections in Albania were fraught with
 irregularities and fraud (ballot box stuffing,
 ghost voters, selective disenfranchisement) NATO
 General Secretary George Robertson pronounced the
 election fair and legitimate.  Earlier this year,
 another NATO spokesperson openly threatened that if
 the Movement for a Democratic Slovakia (the party of
 former premier Vladimir Meciar) entered a coalition
 government, Slovakia would not be welcomed into NATO
 or allowed early European Union membership. 

 The next issue of the Coalition to Oppose the Arms
 Trade's quarterly magazine, Press for Conversion!,
 will elaborate on the above list of reasons to oppose
 NATO.  We'll gladly mail a free sample copy of that 
 issue upon request.  This offer is applicable to folks
 in Canada who haven't previously received a free
 issue.  If you're interested, email us your street
 address in Canada before September 15.  
 (If you're outside Canada, send US$5 to COAT at the
 address below, or buy an annual subscription for
 US$17.  Folks in Canada can also buy a copy 
 for Cdn$5, or subscribe for Cdn$20.)

 Richard Sanders
 Coordinator, Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade (COAT)
 A national peace network supported by           
 individuals and organizations across Canada
 541 McLeod St., Ottawa Ontario K1R 5R2  Canada
 Tel.:  613-231-3076      Fax: 613-231-2614
      Email: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   Web site:

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