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[Kwasniewski is routinely referred to in the
establishment press as a Leftist; for which read a
clone of Tony Blair and Joschka Fischer.
The Poles lost 10 million lives in the last World War,
but to their credit fought the nazis from 1939 to
Poland was one of the few fascist-occupied nations
where Hitler had a hard time finding odedient
collaborators (Serbia and Greece being two others);
anyone familiar with Irwin Shaw's stirring 1936 drama
"Bury The Dead" may recall one of the most horrifying
scenes ever enacted on the stage: The corpses of World
War I soldiers coming back from the dead to point
accusing fingers at the politicians who sent them out
to kill and be killed by their brothers.
May some Polish ghosts from fifty years ago come back
to haunt NATO's man in Warsaw.]  

Warsaw Business Journal 
Kwasniewski promises Polish support for Lithuania's
bid to join NATO 
Source: Poland A.M.
Date: September 6, 2001
September 6 - Poland has promised to support
Lithuania's bid to join NATO, flying in the face of
fierce opposition from Russia. In a meeting with his
Lithuanian counterpart Valdas Adamkus, President
Aleksander Kwasniewski said that Poland hopes the
decision on NATO expansion will be taken at next
year's summit of the alliance in Prague. Adamkus, who
is visiting Warsaw to mark the 10th anniversary of the
opening of diplomatic relations with Poland after
Lithuania gained independence from the Soviet Union,
said that Poland's support was very significant to his
aspirations of joining the alliance. Kwasniewski
commented, "We will be together in the European Union
... and we cannot imagine NATO without Lithuania." 
(from reports in Rzeczpospolita and on Reuters)

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