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Georgia Threatened by Demographic Crisis

TBILISI, Sep 6, 2001 -- (Agence France Presse) Georgia
faces a major demographic crisis now that young,
capable people are fleeing the impoverished Caucasian
country, a senior official for migration and refugee
issues told AFP.

"Statistics supplied by independent sources feature a
catastrophic figure -- 900,000 Georgians have left the
country. For a nation of three million people, it's a
sign of a demographic catastrophe," Toma Gugushvili

People between 17 and 38 years of age are the first to
flee from the former Soviet republic's unstable
economy and political life, Gugushvili said.

Russia is the prime destination, with its
600,000-strong Georgian population constantly on the
rise, closely followed by Germany, the Netherlands,
France, the United States and Greece.

Over 70 percent of those who leave Georgia on fake
tourist trips then swell the ranks of Europe's refugee
population, never returning home, Gugushvili said.

In addition to illegal means of escape, Georgia boasts
a large number of agencies offering employment abroad,
that operate despite the lack of a corresponding law.

The agencies rarely have prestigious jobs to offer
their customers, but Georgians are still eager to
leave their homeland, where wages average 12 dollars a

"Often specialists with two diplomas and language
skills leave to become babysitters. Considering the
level of unemployment and the meager salaries which
are not paid for months, our offers will be more and
more popular," an employment agency director told AFP.

The would-be emigrants are different socially, with
more now coming from the mountainous provinces, the
director, who declined to be named, said.

The wave of emigration, which young people consider
quite natural, causes no small alarm to their
middle-aged parents, even though they confess that
their children might have no future at home.

"I see no possibilities for my son here, but I do not
like the fact that young Georgians wander about the
world and shelter in refugee camps when their country
needs their abilities and intellect," 50-year-old
teacher Keti Vadachkoria said.

Georgia's official statistics committee declined to
confirm Gugushvili's numbers, adding bitterly that
they had no funds to conduct such research after last
year's census failed for lack of financing. ((c) 2001
Agence France Presse) 

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