Visit our website: HTTP://WWW.STOPNATO.ORG.UK

> Strategy for protesting the bombing of Iraq:
> Dear friends,
> As many of you are no doubt aware, US and UK military forces execute
> aggressive actions against the people of Iraq at least two or three times per
> week in the "no-fly" zones, which have no legitimacy under International Law,
> and which violate Iraq's national sovereignty.
> At the most recent meeting of the DC Coalition to Stop the War Against Iraq,
> attended by myself, Starr Bowie, Larry Murdoch, Stephanie Raisch, and Nat
> Harrison, it was decided that we would like to encourage people, whenever
> you hear about such an attack, to call the White House comments line, the
> State Dept. comments line, and the Defense Dept. comments line, tell them
> you heard about the most recent attack, and that you want the attacks to
> stop.  Our hope is that if they realize that every time there is a bombing,
> their phone lines will be flooded with calls of protest, they will get the
> message that there is growing opposition to this undeclared war against the
> innocent people of Iraq!
> White House comments line:  202-456-1111
> State Dept. comments line:  202-647-4000
> Defense Dept. comments line:  703-697-5737
>, located at <a
> href="";></a>, is an excellent
> source of updates on the most recent aggression against Iraq.
> Please forward this message widely.
> Peacefully yours,
> Nancy Hey

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