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Someone should inform Bush about this at once. This sounds like an act of
Maybe while they're slaughtering Afghan civilians, they can spare a few
bombs for the Israeli
terrorists too. Ya' think???
----- Original Message -----
From: CPTnet editor, Webster, NY <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2001 2:08 PM
Subject: HEBRON DISTRICT: Happy New Year, or Just Another Day?

September 22, 2001
HEBRON DISTRICT:  Happy New Year, or Just Another Day?
By David Cockburn.

 In the Samu'- Suseya area, some 15 miles south of Hebron,  several families
 will remember the Jewish new year for a long time.  Rosh Hashanah, Tuesday
 18th September, was not their new year, but their first day of an uncertain
 future, after the night brought disaster.

 The Israeli army had come in the early hours of the morning, and demolished
 most of the cave dwellings in three hamlets  leaving most of the families

 Seeing cave dwellings demolished or collapsed, with personal belongings
 piled up on the earth brought it home to me.  I was back.  I'd left Hebron
 in February 2000, having seen the demolition of homes and destruction of
 land.  Little has changed.  Another personal tragedy, and the feeling that
 we failed them.  Another statistic in black, white - and colour .

 Fieldworkers forB'Tselem  (The Israeli Information Centre for Human Rights
 in the Occupied  Territories) were also there documenting the incident.
 When CPTer Anne Montgomery communicated with one of the  women, the tears
 flowed.  How do you comfort someone when they are looking at their
 possessions scattered on the land?  And what concerns might they have for
 their sons, now displaced.  Will they fight back?  And if they do, what
 might be the consequences?

 One hamlet had 6 families with 65 people made homeless. The families have
 sheep, goats, wheat, and grape and olive  orchards. The hamlets were
 and close to two new Jewish settlements,  Suseya and another smaller one,
 and the pattern is familiar.  Some homes are demolished, and the army then
 threatens to return later to demolish the  others.  This time they were
 to expect it the next night, but it could happen any time.

 For those with eyes to see or ears to hear, the link between the U.S.
 continuing to arm and fund Israel while carrying out such acts, and the
 U.S. being despised for its foreign policies is all too clear.

 If this were done to me, how would I react?  And what would it mean for me
 to love my enemies in similar situations?

 In Samu' who knows how the families were spending the night?    Happy New
 Year  or Just Another Day?   May God have mercy on us all.


Christian Peacemaker Teams is an initiative among Mennonite and Church of
 the Brethren congregations and Friends Meetings that supports violence
 reduction efforts around the world. Contact CPT, POB 6508 Chicago, IL
 TEL. 312-455-1199 FAX 312-432-1213 / To receive news or discussion of CPT
 issues by e-mail, fill out the form found on our WEB page at

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