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Experts, Comment on Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Targets

TEHRAN As the horrific dimensions of Tuesday's kamikaze hijackings
emerge, TEHRAN TIMES has conducted a series of interviews with foreign
and Iranian personalities and journalists.

Talking with the TEHRAN TIMES, Dr. Ahmad Tavakkoli expressed deep regret
over the death and suffering of civilians which occurred as result of
the attacks against the United States. He underlined, however, that the
U.S. government should look back on its past actions throughout the
world and search for the reasons behind such attacks.

Tavakkoli said that it is very unlikely that a foreign force had carried
out the operation, adding that the attacks were quite possibly
masterminded from within the U.S. system.

"The U.S. should have understood the protests of the American people in
Seattle in 1999, when thousands of protesters demonstrated against the
wrong policies of the White House and U.S. officials," said Tavakkoli.

Tavakkoli added, "during the past four decades, the social gap in the
American society has expanding despite the booming economy. This could
have also provided an incentive for this terrorist act."

On the possible involvement of Palestinians, Tavakkoli said:
"Palestinians have already attracted the attention of the world and
there has been a marked swing in public opinion in their favor.
Therefore, it would be a great mistake to assume that they would risk
losing the world's sympathy through initiating such a human tragedy in
the United States."

Meanwhile, talking to the TEHRAN TIMES, the representative of the United
Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Tehran, Francesco Bastagli,
expressed his and the UNDP's deep sorrow and sympathy over the recent
human tragedy in the United States, condemning any terrorist attack
anywhere in the world. Intiar Dekrit Bakhtiar, the first secretary of
the Indonesian Embassy in Tehran, told the TEHRAN TIMES: "The Indonesian
government and people herewith denounce any kind of terrorism,
particularly the latest action which brought about such disaster. We
express our sorrow and extend our sympathy over this human tragedy."

Iranian MP Nour Mohammad Robousheh said, "We condemn terrorist attacks
in any form, because our country has suffered enormous losses due to
terrorism over the past decades. We express our sorrow and sympathy over
this tragedy to the American people and hope the U.S. government and
officials review their destructive and detrimental foreign policy, a
matter which should be closely followed up by the American nation. A
journalist from Tehran, Soha Kashani, condemned the attack against
civilians in the U.S., saying that such attacks against innocent people
are inhumane acts.

She underlined that any terrorist operation against any government and
nation is a heinous crime which should be confronted.

She said that the people of the United States are not responsible for
any crime perpetrated by the U.S. government. She added that U.S.
citizens have nothing to do with the negative consequences of whatever
is done by the U.S. government.

Reza Taherkhani, a journalist from the political desk of **Kayhan**
newspaper, expressed his regret on the death of innocent people who are
the victims of terrorism.

He added, "Terrorism should be condemned. The world should search for
the roots of terrorism. The American people could have fallen victim to
the U.S. government's state sponsored terrorism."

In a separate interview with the TEHRAN TIMES, Mr. Hassan Haji Babaee,
Majlis MP, expressed his sympathy with the American people and condemned
all terrorist actions.

He also said that whoever carried out the attack followed a precise and
calculated plan and that it is not clear whether it was an internally or
externally masterminded plan.

He also believes that it is more probable that groups inside the United
States are responsible and that no country or persons should be blamed
without proper reason.

Earlier on Tuesday Iranian President Mohammad Khatami condemned the
kamikaze "terrorist" attacks in the United States and expressed his deep
sorrow and sympathy with the American nation.

"On behalf of the Iranian government and the nation, I condemn the
hijacking attempts and terrorist attacks on public centers in American
cities which have killed a large number of innocent people," President
Khatami said in reaction to the worst attack on American soil since
Pearl Harbor.

"My deep sympathy goes out to the American nation, particularly those
who have suffered from the attacks and also the families of the
victims," he said, noting, "terrorism is doomed and the international
community should stem it and take effective measures in a bid to
eradicate it."

Khatami added that the Islamic Republic is treading a road to uproot
terrorism and to this end, he noted, it will spare no efforts.

Incoming news indicates that among the victims of the twin New York
towers, there may be some Iranian citizens or expatriates. The relatives
of Iranians working in the area are extremely concerned about the fate
of their family members. While many other countries have set up
emergency centers for providing information for the concerned families,
unfortunately, the Iranian Foreign Ministry has not taken any action in
this regard. We urge the diplomatic authorities to provide counseling
and information for the concerned Iranian families.

TEHRAN TIMES is willing to participate in this important matter by
accepting any messages from the Iranians in the area about their well
being and conveying the messages to the concerned families.

* Reactions in the Muslim Word:

The top authority for the World's Sunni Muslims, the Sheikh of Al Azhar,
condemned Wednesday the wave of deadly terrorist attacks in the United
States as against the Islamic religion.

The Imam, Sheikh Mohammed Sayed Tantawi, said "Islam rejected such acts"
which he described as "horrible," according to a statement run on
Egypt's state-run news agency MENA.

Former Italian foreign minister, Lamberto Dini, who is also a member of
Italian Parliament while commenting on the Tuesday attacks to New York,
implicitly referred to Bush's policies as the main cause of these
incidents in the United States.

He also criticized U.S. policies toward the crisis in Palestine and
while expressing regret over the terrible incidents of Tuesday in New
York, added that Palestinians are not responsible for these attacks,
because they did not have the necessary instruments to carry out such

Elsewhere, Fernando de la Rua, the Argentinean President said "We are
sure that the recent terrorist attacks have been done with the
perpetration of internal American elements".

Michel Nahl Moratins, a Spanish official said that all of the Muslim and
Arab countries and intellectuals have expressed their sorrow about the

Moratins added, It would be naive to think that the Muslim and Arab
nations are going to destroy the "Great America".


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