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11 September 2001

Explosions Cripple American Economy

1940 GMT, 010911

The attacks in New York City and Washington, D.C., targeted 
obvious symbols of American prestige and power: the World Trade 
Center and the Pentagon. The attackers achieved a crippling blow 
against America's economic infrastructure as well.

New York City is one of the richest cities on the globe, 
independently raking in more annually than all but the world's 
most advanced states. In 1998, the city's budget exceeded that of 
some major countries, including Russia.

But New York is more than just a wealthy city of 8 million 
people. It is the financial capital of the world's largest 
economy. As the significance of what happened in New York sank in 
across the country, America's smaller exchanges closed down one 
by one. But it is the New York Stock Exchange that moves global 
financial events.

Minutes after the attacks, authorities shut down the entire 
island of Manhattan, virtually sealing it off from the rest of 
the world. The NYSE, located a mere half mile from the collapsed 
World Trade Center, has suspended operations until further 
notice. That action alone set off secondary tremors in stock 
exchanges the world over. By 11 a.m. CST, all active, major 
global exchanges were registering sharp losses. 

Even with the ongoing global slowdown, America's market 
capitalization is larger than its massive $10 trillion GDP and 
more than all other financial centers combined. A fair portion of 
the value of that capitalization is sure to evaporate over the 
next few days.

The seemingly invincible dollar has lost its footing as well. 
After regularly gaining against major currencies for the past few 
years, the dollar dropped 1.8 percent against the euro and 1.5 
percent against the yen. Since most of the world's $1.1 trillion 
in daily foreign exchange trades take place in New York - and 
those markets are closed - this drop is a mere glimpse of what is 
to come.

Foreign financial markets are already trembling. The Paris 
exchange immediately plummeted 7.4 percent, the London exchange 
5.7 percent and the Frankfurt exchange 7 percent. Oil traders are 
betting that the United States will seek retribution against a 
Middle Eastern target; that has pushed crude oil prices up to a 
nine-month high.

The infrastructure that supports high-powered business is also 
either crippled or locked down. Officials at the Sears Tower in 
Chicago, keenly aware the tower is the country's tallest 
building, have ordered an evacuation. And the offices in the 110- story
World Trade Center were the backbone of many financial 
powerhouses such as Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, China 
International Trust, Yamatane Securities America and Farmers 
Union Control Exchange. New York City plays host to more 
multinational corporation headquarters than any other city in the 

As the financial disaster ripples outward, the insurance industry 
will be in for a very rough time. For instance, Westfield America 
Inc. signed a 99-year, $3.2 billion lease on the now nonexistent 
World Trade Center Building only last month. This is merely one 
example of the size of the insurance claims that will be filed in 
coming weeks. Staggering claims could be filed by the companies 
that were tenants of the World Trade Center. Meanwhile, liability 
insurance for canceled airline flights will be paid out, and life 
insurance policies for the uncounted dead also must be paid.

The direct impact on American companies cannot be estimated until 
the exchanges reopen, but European insurers are already rattled. 
An index that follows large European insurance companies fell 
more than 10 percent within an hour of the World Trade Center 
collapse. The carnage to come in American markets will be 

Beyond New York, the Federal Aviation Administration has shut 
down the country's entire commercial air network, canceling all 
civilian flights. With an average daily capacity of 55,000 
flights, the daily loss to the industry ranks in the hundreds of 

Industry confidence is sure to plummet to historic lows. 
Preliminary reports indicated that U.S. military fighters shot 
down another suspected hijacked passenger plan outside of 
Pittsburgh. Though the report remains unconfirmed, the chance -- 
however remote -- of the government shooting down civilian 
passengers would certainly put a damper on an airline industry 
only recently recovered from a wave of mergers and price wars. 

Related industries, such as tourism and shipping, will suffer 
equally. Again, European markets are leading the fall. British 
Airways and Hilton Group both shed more than one-fifth of their 
stock value within hours of the attacks. 

Life will not return to "normal" soon for the airline industry. 
More than 2 million passengers travel through U.S. airspace 
daily, but the FAA is often accused of designing security 
regulations more to produce a sense of security than actual 
safety. A complete security overhaul must be conducted before the 
air routes can be safely reopened. Even a partial fix will take 
days, if not weeks.

Back in New York, the cordon around the shattered remnants of the 
World Trade Center -- until this morning the nexus of the 
financial world -- will remain for days as rescue workers set to 
the grim task of picking through the rubble. The economic damage 
-- the full extent of which will not be discerned for months -- 
will be equally grim.


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