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----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Monday, September 24, 2001 10:04 AM
Subject: Korean Central News Agency Sep 22
 September.22.2001 Juche 90
 CIAs report slammed

 Pyongyang, September 22 (KCNA) -- The CIA was reported to have published
 a report in which it absurdly asserted that the DPRK, China and Russia
 continue exporting weapons of mass destruction, missile technology and their
 parts to different countries. Papers here today dismiss this as an impudent
 act reminding one of a thief crying "stop the thief".

Rodong Sinmun says in a signed commentary that the united states is the
world's biggest producer of weapons of mass destruction with the greatest
 military spending on earth and the world's most profitable and biggest
 dealer in arms. The commentary goes on:

"Nevertheless, the U.S. is faulting other countries, while shelving this
 hard fact. This is not merely intended to justify its moves.
     In spreading such sheer rumors about other countries' "missile export"
 the U.S. seeks to prove the validity of its moves to provide a missile
 "shield". No matter what lies and rumour the U.S. may float in a bid to
justify its space militarization and arms race it can never succeed".

Minju Joson says in a signed commentary warns that the dprk can never
 remain a passive onlooker to the U.S. fuss of citing the DPRK as a pretext
 to justify its moves. The DPRK will never allow anyone to hurt and slander it.
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