Francis A. Boyle
Law Building
504 E. Pennsylvania Ave.
Champaign, IL 61820 USA
-----Original Message-----
From: Boyle, Francis
Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 1:45 PM
To: Killeacle (E-mail)
Subject: Bush's Police State Power Grab

In Name of Security, Thousands Denied
                                       Constitutional Rights
                  The federal government wants Americans to believe that the Constitution only applies when
                  it says so.
                  Exclusive to American Free Press
                  By Christopher Bollyn
                  The actions taken by President George W. Bush and Attorney General John Ashcroft in
                  secretly detaining untold numbers of individuals and calling for secret military tribunals to
                  handle captured Taliban and Al Qaeda prisoners have been condemned as “a constitutional
                  coup d’etat” which may lead to a “police state,” according to experts on constitutional and
                  international law.
                  While most if not all the detainees “look Arab” now, experts warn, tomorrow’s detainees
                  could be blond, blue-eyed—or you.
                  “What we’ve seen, since Sept. 11, if you add up every thing that Ashcroft, Bush and their
                  coterie of federalist society lawyers have done here, is a coup d’etat against the United
                  States Constitution,” said Francis A. Boyle, professor of international law at the University
                  of Illinois. “When you add in the Ashcroft police state bill that was passed by Congress . . .
                  that’s really what we’re seeing now.
                  “Since Sept. 11, we have seen one blow against the Constitution after another,” Boyle said.
                  “Recently, we’ve had Ashcroft saying that he had, unilaterally, instituted monitoring of
                  attorney-client communications without even informing anyone—he just went ahead and did
                  it, despite the Fourth Amendment ban on unreasonable searches and seizures without
                  warrant and the Sixth Amendment right to representation by counsel.”
                  The criminal investigation into the attacks, the largest in U.S. history, has netted about 1,200
                  detainees. But the Justice Department has failed to build a case against a single prime U.S.
                  suspect in the terrorist attacks.
                  BAD EVIDENCE
                  Nine weeks after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, federal authorities said on Nov. 15 that they
                  had found no evidence indicating that any of the roughly 1,200 people detained in the United
                  States played a role in the suicide hijacking plot.
                  However, numerous legal protections, based on constitutional and international treaties,
                  appear to have been ignored or violated in the case of the 1,200 detainees.
                  “We are becoming a banana republic here in the United States, with ‘disappeared’ people,
                  which was the phenomenon that we all saw down in Latin American dictatorships in the
                  1970s and 1980s, with the support, by the way, of the United States Government,” Boyle
                  “We don’t know where they are or the conditions under which they are being held. We
                  have no idea wheth er they have access to attorneys. We do know one of them died, under
                  highly suspicious circumstances, while in custody. There have been reports that he was
                  tortured to death,” he said.
                  The Constitution protects aliens in the United States, according to Boyle. “Clearly aliens
                  here are entitled to the protections of the due process clause of the Fifth Amendment , as
                  well as to the Article III (Section 2, Clause 3) basic constitutional rights in criminal cases,
                  including indictment, trial before a federal district judge or jury, [rights relating to] venue and
                  things of that nature,” Boyle said.
                  “I’m surprised there hasn’t been more of an outcry,” said Robert B. Reich, secretary of
                  labor under President Bill Clinton, about the long-term detentions and the administration’s
                  plans to monitor conversations be tween lawyers and terrorism suspects in federal custody.
                  “The president is, by emergency decree, getting rid of rights that we assumed that anyone
                  within our borders legally would have. We can find ourselves in a police state step-by-step
                  without realizing that we have made these compromises along the way.”
                  The foreign detainees are also protected by international law under treaties, including the
                  International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the Vienna Convention on Consular
                  Relations (VCCR).
                  The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which the United States
                  government is a party, affords basic due process protections to everyone here in the United
                  States, irrespective of their citizenship, according to Boyle.
                  The VCCR of 1963 calls for notification “without delay” of consular officials when one of
                  their nationals has been arrested or “detained in any other manner.”
                  Although Egypt, Pakistan, Syria, and Saudi Arabia are party to the VCCR along with the
                  United States, the Justice Department told AFP that it is using an abbreviated list of nations,
                  the Mandatory Notification Countries, which includes only one Middle Eastern nation,
                  Spokesmen from the Justice and State Departments could not confirm to AFP that the
                  United States was abiding by the terms of the VCCR and notifying the consulates of the
                  detainees. However, Kareem Shora, legal adviser at the American Arab
                  Anti-Discrimination Committee, said that it had received at least 10 complaints that this was
                  not the case.
                  The Justice Department is planning to “round up” and question some 5,000 men, mostly
                  from Middle Eastern countries, who entered the U.S. legally within the past two years.
                  “When will the FBI, the CIA and the National Secur ity Agency start to turn these powers,
                  that they have under the Ashcroft police state bill, against American citi zens?” Boyle asks.
                  “Clearly, that will be the next step.”
                  BAD PRECEDENT
                  Concerning the executive order calling for military tribunals to try alleged al Qaeda
                  members, or even former al Qaeda members, in Afghanistan, Boyle says there is an “even
                  more serious problem.”
                  “The third and fourth Geneva Conventions, of 1949, clearly apply to our conflict now with
                  Afghanistan,” Boyle says. “These alleged al Qaeda members would be protected either by
                  the third Geneva Convention, if they are fighters incorporated into the army there in
                  Afghanistan, or by the fourth Geneva Convention, if they are deemed to be civilians. Both
                  conventions have very extensive procedural protections on trials that must be adhered to.”
                  Although a trial can be held, there are extensive rules and protections and basic
                  requirements of due process of law, set forth in these treaties that must be applied. Failures
                  to apply these treaties would constitute war crimes, according to Boyle.
                  The executive order calling for secret military tribunals is extremely dangerous because it
                  invites reprisals by the Taliban, Boyle says. “What it is basically saying to the Taliban
                  government and to al Qaeda is, ‘We are not going to give you the protections of either the
                  third or fourth Geneva Conventions’ guarantees on trials.’ What that means is that they
                  could engage in reprisals against captured members of the United States Armed Forces.
                  “It opens up our own armed forces to be denied prisoner-of-war treatment,” he said. “So,
                  what we’re doing here is exposing them to a similar type of treatment, which would be a
                  summary trial, in secret, subject to the death penalty.” 
Francis A. Boyle
Law Building
504 E. Pennsylvania Ave.
Champaign, IL 61820 USA
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