

  Critics of Republika Srpska may use the Milosevic indictment to call for the
  dissolution of the Bosnian entity.

  By Zeljko Cvijanovic in Belgrade 

  The new war crimes indictment against Slobodan Milosevic, charging him with
  genocide in Bosnia, could bring into question the very existence of
  Republika Srpska, RS, and provoke political instability in Serbia.

  Two previous indictments issued against the former Yugoslav president citied
  individual crimes committed by Serb-led forces in Croatia and Kosovo, but
  did not mention genocide. 

  The Bosnia charges, however, could not ignore the Srebrenica massacre of
  1995 for which one Serb General, Radislav Krstic, has already been sentenced
  for genocide. Since The Hague's case hinges on a belief that Milosevic
  planned, ordered or inspired the Bosnian slaughter, he could hardly be faced
  with a lesser charge.

  The Hague's chief prosecutor, Carla del Ponte, is adamant she will be able
  to prove Milosevic was the driving force behind the massacres. 

  The new indictment sent a shudder through RS. In Banja Luka, an atmosphere
  of panic set in. There were fears that it could lead to widespread
  condemnation of the entity, even calls for its dissolution, as its enemies
  could now argue that it was founded on genocide.

  The charges could also be embarrassing for the post-Milosevic regime in
  Belgrade.  Two police chiefs, instrumental in the overthrow of Milosevic in
  October 2000, are named in The Hague's Bosnian indictment.

  According to the charges, Milosevic exercised "real control" and had
  "considerable influence" over the Yugoslav army, the Bosnian Serb army and
  the Serbian paramilitaries sent to fight in Bosnia. 

  The names of 14 political, military, police and paramilitary leaders appear
  on the indictment as Milosevic's accomplices in what is described as a
  "joint criminal enterprise".  

  Topping the list are Bosnian Serb leaders Radovan Karadzic and Ratko Mladic.
  Following them are the political figures, Momcilo Krajisnik and Biljana

  Also named are two members of the former Yugoslav presidency team, Borislav
  Jovic and Branko Kostic; Milan Martic, wartime head of the Croatian Serbs;
  paramilitary chiefs, including the late Zeljko Raznatovic "Arkan"; Yugoslav
  army officers such as Veljko Kadijevic and Blagoje Adzic; and Jovica
  Stanisic, secret police chief, and Franko Simatovic, former commander of
  special forces.

  Particularly awkward for Belgrade is the inclusion of Stanisic and
  Simatovic, who also featured on Milosevic's Croatia indictment, issued in
  September 2001. 

  Stanisic and Simatovic played a significant role in ousting Milosevic from
  power, mainly by promising that they would not intervene against civilians
  during the events of October 2000.  In return, they won assurances
  from Zoran Djindjic, the Serbian prime minister, that they would not be
  extradited to The Hague.

  The new democratically elected government in Belgrade is eager to portray
  Milosevic as a thing of the past.  Further extraditions could provoke
  instability, especially as the anti-Hague lobby is still strong in Serbia. 

  Earlier in November, the Serbian government had trouble suppressing a mutiny
  by Serb special police who feared that they might find themselves on The
  Hague lists.

  On Sunday, Sinisa Djordjevic, who advises RS prime minister Mladen Ivanic on
  relations with The Hague, warned that the Serb republic's survival would be
  threatened if the tribunal found Milosevic guilty of genocide.
  "The Serb republic must do everything within its power to defend its
  existence," he said.

  In Bosnia's Bosniak- Croat Federation, the Milosevic indictment was greeted
  with satisfaction. Kasim Trnka, who represents Bosnia in its claims for war
  reparations from Yugoslavia, told the Sarajevo daily Dnevni Avaz, "The
  Milosevic genocide indictment, as well as the Srebrenica charges, are
  crucial to establishing the international character of the war in Bosnia.
  They will considerably strengthen the Bosnian position." 

  The Bosniak Party for Democratic Action, SDA, which used to be led by
  Bosnia's wartime president Alija Izetbegovic, said Milosevic's indictment
  confirms Yugoslavia committed aggression against Bosnia and its non-Serb
  ethnic groups.  The party said genocide, among other things, resulted in the
  establishment of RS, implying that it should not be able to survive in its
  present form. 

  Zeljko Cvijanovic is a journalist with the Belgrade weekly Blic News

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