
New York Times. 7 December 2001. Ashcroft Defends Antiterror Plan and
Says Criticism May Aid Foes. Excerpts.

WASHINGTON -- In forceful and unyielding testimony, Attorney General
John Ashcroft today defended the administration's array of antiterrorism
proposals and accused some of the program's critics of aiding terrorists
by providing "ammunition to America's enemies."

Mr. Ashcroft told the Senate Judiciary Committee, "To those who scare
peace-loving people with phantoms of lost liberty, my message is this:
your tactics only aid terrorists."

He said that people who were hoping that the kind of attacks that
occurred on Sept. 11 would not be repeated "were living in a dream

Holding up what he said was a training manual for Al Qaeda, Mr. Ashcroft
said that "terrorists are taught how to use America's freedoms as a
weapon against us."

Senator Russell D. Feingold, the Wisconsin Democrat who has been the
Senate's most resolute critic of the administration's antiterror
proposals, quickly took on Mr. Ashcroft over his testimony that
criticism of the administration "gives ammunition to America's enemies,
and pause to America's friends."

He asked the attorney general if the series of Senate hearings
culminating in today's session was somehow aiding the enemy.

Mr. Ashcroft blandly replied that he welcomed the Senate hearings as
proper oversight.

Senator Patrick J. Leahy, the Vermont Democrat who is chairman of the
committee, aimed his criticism largely at the administration's
unwillingness to consult with Congress on several of its initiatives
including the military tribunals, the order allowing authorities to
monitor conversations between some terrorist suspects in jail and their
lawyers and the planned questioning of some 5,000 men, mostly from the
Middle East, now living in this country.

Mr. Leahy said Congressional oversight was not "as some have mistakenly
described it, to protect terrorists. "It is to protect ourselves as
Americans and protect our American freedoms."

Senator Orrin G. Hatch of Utah, the ranking Republican on the committee,
said in response that there was sometimes too much Congressional

He dismissed complaints that the Congress had not been consulted,
asking: "Do any members of this committee really believe that in this
time of crisis, the American people really care whether the president,
the secretary of defense or the attorney general took the time to pick
up the telephone and call us, prior to implementing these emergency

In defending the tribunals, Mr. Ashcroft said: "When we come to those
responsible for this, say who are in Afghanistan, are we supposed to
read them the Miranda rights, hire a flamboyant defense lawyer, bring
them back to the United States to create a new cable network of Osama TV
or what have you, provide a worldwide platform from which propaganda can
be developed?"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller

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