
At 10:57 2001-12-10 -0500, "mart" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ,
alias Thomas P. Murrey, wrote:

>Hi Richard,
>I know  this "Rolf"  guy. He is a professional TROLL and this is his stock
>and trade - making ridiculous statement and then getting people to respond
>to him. It doesn't matter what you say to this guy or how many ways you
>prove him wrong. He has tried to wreck several other e-groups with this
>tactic and  was eventually, thrown off them and banned. Unfortunately, not
>before he literally drove away much of the membership with his endless rants
>and tirade that escalated to him making personal threats and publishing
>ridiculous statements and personal information about other group members.
>His goal is to clog up the lists with posts by and about him.  Apparently,
>he has now targeted this list. I suggest the best tactic would be to ignore
>him and not respond to his statements. You can't win with this guy and it
>only feeds his warped ego and his need to feel important.

What, Thomas P. "mart" "Najibullah-2" Murray? No "ban-ban-ban!" any
more, as in your first "reply"?? Now that you're even already getting
"support" for this from Barry "Najibullah-3" Stoller too??

You don't think that this quite openly-Brezhnev/Ashcroft-type "shut'em
up!" "line" will work, after all? That it's too revealing, concerning you
and your phony"leftist" ilk?

Well, that's somewhat "s-mart" of you anyway, miserable Murray-Burray-

Rolf M.

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