
Saturday, 15 December, 2001, 16:57 GMT

China hit by series of blasts
Bombings are on the rise in China

An explosion in a crowded McDonald's restaurant in the centre of China's
western city of Xian is reported to have killed one person and injured more
than 20.
Officials said they suspected the person killed set off the blast, according
to Reuters news agency.

It follows a series of explosions in the southern province of Guangdong on

Those blasts killed two people and injured several others. The police are
investigating whether some of the blasts were linked to a business dispute,
according to local media.

It is not known whether Saturday's explosion has any connection with
Friday's blasts.

Xian is home to a sizeable ethnic Uighur Muslim population and Uighur
separatists have staged several bombings in western China in the past.

Business dispute

Up to 20 small explosions hit several districts of the southern port city of
Zhanjiang at day-break, state media said, killing two people and injuring
six others.

At around the same time, blasts shook three places in the city of Jiangmen,
seriously injuring a seven-year-old boy, the Beijing Youth Daily said

Hong Kong media also reported explosions in the nearby cities of Maoming and
Yangjiang, but police and city officials in Maoming said they had no reports
of this.

Officials indicated that disputes were behind both sets of blasts in
Zhanjiang and Jiangmen.

Bombings increasing

A Zhanjiang official told Reuters news agency that "as far as we know it's
revenge related to debt disputes - somebody owed money and did not pay".

Bombing incidents are on the rise in China, where explosives are cheap and
easy to buy.

The state often blames them on disillusioned individuals.

In March, blasts at a dormitory in the northern industrial city of
Shijiazhuang that killed more than 100 people was blamed on a man driven by
jealousy and a desire for revenge.

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