
It was good to hear of the anti-war demonstrations that took place
recently  in cities around the world, including Washington. It is
heartening that many  workers are refusing to accept this latest march
towards bloodshed, despite  the war propaganda blitzkrieg we have been
subjected to.

However, we would say that slogans like "no more killing, no more war,
no more violence any more" (though wholly admirable) do not go to the
root of  why war is such an ever-present feature of life. War does not
occur because  of "world leaders" being misguided or evil (though they
may be these  things), but because of the ruthless competition inherent
to capitalism.

War is "business by other means" as they say. This war (whatever form
it takes) will have its roots in the ongoing scramble for Middle East

War is the inevitable result of world capitalism and the conflict
between  competing powers over markets, raw materials, trade routes and
strategic  territory - quite simply, war will not be banished from our
lives until we  have banished capitalism from our lives.

The companion parties of the World Socialist Movement have opposed
every single war. We call on our fellow workers to reject and oppose
all  capitalist violence and bigotry, as we do. But it is also
essential that our  class understand the cause of war - the outdated
capitalist system - and  organise to abolish it.

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