While this article claims that raids were also made in - quote -"Yugoslavia" it seems the raids actually took place in Bosnia!! The Toronto Star and AP needs to get its geography and history straight. Bosnia was the territory that *NATO* helped rip from the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, by bringing in Islamic terrorists including bin Laden, whom they even gave a Bosnian passport to!
Rather than an error, it seems this reference to Yugoslavia" when they really mean Bosnia is yet another example of the Western media's disinformation and demonization campaign against the Serbs.
----- Original Message -----
From: Miroslav Antic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 5:54 PM
Subject: FBI raids Chicago based Muslim charities
FBI raids Chicago based Muslim charities
> Meanwhile, two other relief agencies raided in Yugoslavia
BRIDGEVIEW, Ill. (AP) - U.S. federal authorities raided the offices and
> froze the assets of two suburban Chicago Muslim organizations, which
 have denied any links to terrorism.
The Global Relief Foundation in Bridgeview and the Benevolence
 International Foundation in Palos Hills were searched Friday, FBI
 spokesperson Ebony Harrel said. No one was arrested.
At the same time, two Global Relief Foundation offices in Yugoslavia
 were searched by NATO-led peacekeepers and UN police.
U.S. Treasury Department spokesperson Tony Fratto said early today that
> "there was co-ordinated action to block the assets because the groups
> are suspected of funding terrorist activities."
At the Global Relief Foundation in Illinois, agents removed furniture
 and fixtures as well as documents, computer tapes and receipts, said
Asim Ghafoor, a foundation spokesman. He said the agents were there from
 9:30 a.m. until after 6 p.m. Friday.
The group issued a statement denying any link to terrorist activities.
"If they're investigating terrorism, they're not going to find anything
 here," said Roger Simmons, a lawyer for Global Relief.
On Friday, a spokesman for Benevolence International said the charity is
"It's part of a higher level of scrutiny of all Muslim relief
 organizations," Saffet Catovic told the Chicago Tribune. "We are all
 under the microscope and we are willing to co-operate."
Global Relief's statement lamented the seizure of resources used to
 prevent "the slow starvation and gruesome death in parts of the Muslim
 world that rely on such badly needed aid."
"We are in the business of helping innocent civilians and take every
 precaution to ensure our aid does not go to support or subsidize any
 nefarious activity," the statement said.
Officials said the Chicago searches were conducted by the Treasury
 Department, the FBI and the Customs Department. The search warrants were
Fratto cited the Patriot Act, signed Oct. 26 by President George W.
 Bush, which gave federal agents broad powers to detain immigrants,
 eavesdrop on telephone calls and e-mail, and share sensitive details of
 criminal investigations with the CIA.
The NATO statement about the raids on Global Relief offices in
 Yugoslavia said peacekeepers and UN police had received credible
 information that Global Relief may have been directly involved in
 supporting terrorism, which the group has denied.
"It is suspected of supporting worldwide terrorist activities and is
 allegedly involved in planning attacks against targets in the USA and
 Europe," the statement said.
NATO spokesperson Daz Slaven said three people were detained in Friday's
 raids there. He declined to release details.
Bosnian police raided the offices and apartments of employees of the
 Global Relief Foundation and the Taibah International, another Islamic
 relief agency, a police statement released Saturday said. Police seized
 documents and questioned seven agency employees, the statement said.
Last week, federal agents raided the Bridgeview offices of another
 Islamic charity, the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development.
 Authorities said the Texas-based charity is believed to be a front that
 raises money for Hamas. The organization denies the allegation.
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