
>WASHINGTON (MENL) - Iraq is said to have rebuilt its weapons of mass 
>destruction capabilities to the level of that of that on the eve of 
>the 1991 Gulf war.
>U.S. officials said Iraqi President Saddam Hussein began rebuilding 
>his WMD capabilities soon after the departure of United Nations 
>weapons inspectors in late 1998. They said that over the last 18 
>months Iraq is believed to have accelerated its strategic weapons 
>"Reports indicate that biological, chemical and nuclear programs 
>continue apace and may be back to pre-Gulf War status," a letter by 
>10 leading members of Congress said. "We believe we must directly 
>confront Saddam, sooner rather than later."
>The letter called on the Bush administration to make Iraq the next 
>target in the U.S.-led war on terrorism. The congressional leaders 
>said United Nations sanctions have failed. They cited Iraqi illegal 
>oil sales, which officials believe have funded Saddam's WMD programs.

>US Says Libyan Bio-Chem
>Warfare Site Concealed
>Beneath Mountain
>Special To World
>The United States has concluded that Libya built a weapons of mass 
>destruction facility in a huge underground lair.
>U.S. intelligence sources said Libya built a chemical weapons site 
>near Tarhuna. The facility, the sources said, is located under a 
>Libya obtained help in the construction of the facility from 
>Pyongyang. North Korea is known to be a leading expert in the 
>construction of underground sites and tunnels meant to conceal 
>missiles and WMD for several nations in the region, Middle East 
>Newsline reported.
>The sources said U.S. spy satellites first detected the construction 
>of the facility in 1997. Within three years, officials determined it 
>was a chemical weapons factory and that work on it had been 
>The U.S. intelligence community, the sources said, has not 
>determined whether the facility became operational. The sources 
>cited the United Nations embargo on Tripoli as well as low oil 
>prices, which limited Libya's funding for military and strategic 
>But the sources said the Tarhuna facility is believed to have once 
>again been the target of development in the aftermath of the UN 
>decision to lift sanctions from Tripoli in 1999.
>The sources said the regime of Col. Moammar Khaddafy has been 
>negotiating with European firms for dual-use equipment that could 
>help Libya's chemical weapons program.
>The sources said the Bush administration is reviewing the Tarhuna 
>project as part of the U.S.-led war on terrorism. They said it would 
>be difficult to destroy the chemical weapons facility without a 
>ground invasion.

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