
FBI Investigates Possible Financial Motive in Anthrax Attacks

By Susan Schmidt and Joby Warrick

  The FBI is pursuing the possibility that financial gain was the
motive behind the mailing of letters containing deadly anthrax
bacteria and has conducted extensive interviews of personnel at two
laboratories and possibly more, according to government officials.

  Although investigators have not ruled out other possible motives,
they have conducted dozens of interviews in at least two labs to
determine whether potential profit from the sale of anthrax
medications or cleanup efforts may have motivated the bioterrorist
believed responsible for the attacks, the officials said.

  The current line of inquiry represents a deepening interest in one
possible motive for investigators, who have examined a range of
scenarios since the anthrax attacks on media and government
representatives began this fall. Authorities have probed whether
foreign terrorists or homegrown extremists are responsible for the
attacks but have come to favor the theory that the bioterrorism is
likely the work of an individual operating in this country.

  Investigators are still looking at a wide range of possible motives,
including revenge and an attempt to implicate Iraq. Although
authorities believe the person who mailed the anthrax spores may have
some scientific expertise, they are not convinced the person
necessarily produced it. The material could have been stolen,
officials have said.

  The focus on a profit motive may help explain why the FBI has yet to
seek samples of anthrax spores from two foreign laboratories known to
possess Ames-strain anthrax microbes that genetically match the
material sent to Sens. Thomas A. Daschle (D-S.D.) and Patrick J.
Leahy (D-Vt.). Those labs are the Canadian armed forces' Defence
Research Establishment Suffield (DRES) and Britain's Defence Science
and Technology Laboratories at Porton Down.

  Spokesmen for the two foreign laboratories said they have not been
contacted by the FBI or asked for samples of their germ stocks.
Neither lab ever processed the Ames strain of anthrax in the powdered
form found in the two letters, which readily becomes airborne and is
easily inhaled.

  "Porton Down has received no request from the FBI for information on
its security arrangements, but if we were contacted, we would
cooperate fully," said Sue Ellison, spokeswoman for the British lab.

  Kent Harding, chief scientist for DRES, said the institute has "only
been contacted by media at this point."

  But a senior law enforcement official, speaking on the condition of
anonymity, said there are reasons the FBI has not yet asked those
labs for the samples. He said the bureau is looking at its most
important leads first.

  He also noted that it will be some time before there is anything
meaningful to compare with samples from other labs, because the
anthrax spores in the Leahy letter are still undergoing chemical
analysis. That process may take weeks to complete.

  The letter to Leahy, found among quarantined mail, was unopened,
leaving a substantial quantity of material inside for the FBI to
test. The letter is seen as the FBI's best hope for forensic clues in
the attacks that have killed five people and sickened 13.

  A possible profit motive for the attacks has been the subject of
speculation among scientists. Richard Ebright, a microbiologist with
Rutgers University's Waksman Institute, said the list of possible
scenarios and perpetrators would be quite long -- ranging from drug
manufacturers to companies specializing in decontamination and

  "There are numerous mid-Atlantic regional links to all of these
possibilities," said Ebright. "Doesn't narrow the field much, does

  DNA tests have confirmed that the spores used in the terrorist
attacks are genetically identical to a strain obtained by researchers
at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute for Infectious Diseases
(USAMRIID) at Fort Detrick, Md., in about 1980. The Army has
acknowledged distributing the strain to five other agencies, and some
of the strain was in turn shared with other researchers.

  The five labs that received the Ames strain from USAMRIID are the
Army's Dugway Proving Ground in central Utah; Battelle Memorial
Institute in Columbus, Ohio; the University of New Mexico's Health
Sciences Center in Albuquerque; the Canadian DRES; and Porton Down.

  Battelle, a private contractor that has worked with the Pentagon in
developing defenses against biological attacks, is one of several
labs visited by FBI agents investigating the anthrax attacks. Katy
Delaney, a Battelle spokeswoman, said the company has cooperated
fully with the government's investigation.

  FBI agents "have interviewed people on our staff," Delaney said, but
she declined to provide information about the nature of the
interviews or how many Battelle employees had been questioned. "I can
say that we have continued to provide all of the information and
material that has been requested by the government," Delaney said.

  Battelle is a contractor at Dugway, which last week acknowledged
making a powdered form of anthrax to use in testing sensors and other
equipment used to defend against biological attacks.

  In the past several weeks, the FBI has also learned that a CIA
defensive biowarfare program has involved the use of Ames-strain
anthrax. Investigators have been very interested in the CIA program,
government officials said, including work done by private contractors
in connection with it.

  Investigators learned belatedly that the CIA possessed Ames-strain
anthrax spores because the agency was not listed among 91 labs
registered with the federal Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention to handle various strains of anthrax bacteria. Before
1997, labs that possessed anthrax spores but did not transfer them to
other labs were not required to register with the CDC. The FBI has
been surprised to learn only anecdotally of some programs, such as
the CIA's, which have the material.

  The CIA program was designed to develop defenses to a
vaccine-resistant strain of anthrax reportedly created by the former
Soviet Union. CIA officials have said they are certain the anthrax
used in the mailings did not come from their work, that none of it is
missing and that the small amount in their possession was not milled
into powder form.
Staff writers Steve Fainaru and Rick Weiss contributed to this

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