
1) Why was Brixton address on back of terror manual? - Guardian
2) New terror link to Brixton - Guardian
3) Three Britons among al-Qa'eda fighters held - Daily Telegraph

1) Why was Brixton address on back of terror manual?
A booklet found at an al-Qaida training camp raided by US marines may show
links to a September 11 suspect

Audrey Gillan
Saturday January 5, 2002
The Guardian

The booklet was found lying in a gun nest, beside a pile of spent cartridges
from an AK-47 rifle and a 45mm machine gun. In the middle of an al-Qaida
terrorist training camp in an isolated desert valley 60 miles from Kandahar,
the address on the back was somewhat incongruous: 114 Chute House Road,
Stockwell Park Estate, London, SW9.

The crudely printed pamphlet included handwritten instructions on how to use
Kalashnikovs, M-16s, Uzis and other light automatic weapons. Written neatly
in broken English, it described places to shoot a person so that the wound
would be fatal.

The address on the back of the booklet was for a flat in a council block in
the middle of one of London's multi-ethnic housing estates, just 400 yards
from Brixton police station. The current tenant, who has lived there for 18
months, said she was shocked to learn her address had connections with

Neighbours reported that the former tenants were a woman and her two
daughters, of African descent, and had lived there for a number of years.
Shortly after Zacarias Moussaoui, the man charged in the US with involvement
in the September 11 plot, was arrested, there were reports that he had lived
with his north African girlfriend in a flat in the Brixton area. No address
was given but police are known to have raided an apartment at Lambert Road,
a mile from Chute House, as part of their investigation.

The emergence of the address will raise further fears that al-Qaida cells
have been operating in London. It is a few streets away from the mosque in
Brixton where Richard Reid, the Briton who is suspected of trying to blow up
an airliner with a bomb hidden in his shoes, is believed to have met
Moussaoui. The two men were in regular telephone contact when they lived in

Moussaoui was being monitored by British intelligence while living as a
student in the capital, but agents were unable at the time to identify Reid
from their phone calls, which were intercepted last year.

Moussaoui, who American authorities believe was the 20th hijacker, lived in
south London for nine years and is alleged to have gone on to become an
al-Qaida operative.

Moussaoui is believed to have met and influenced Reid. Both went on to train
in an al-Qaida camp in Pakistan, though it remains unclear whether they were
there at the same time or indeed if the newly raided Afghan camp was in fact
their training base.

The camp at Garmawak where the south London address was found - known to
locals as Rut Para camp - was raided by US marines earlier this week.

They say it was home to hundreds of trainee terrorists at any one time and
that between 150 and 200 cars used to drive to and from the camp every day.

The camp lies amidst a desolate rocky valley and beside a typically dramatic
mountain backdrop. A deep ravine containing a half-dozen caves runs through
the area, with many of the caves linked by tunnels. The camp's
commando-style obstacle course is the size of a football field.

The camp was found to contain books written by Osama bin Laden, as well as
manuals of bomb-making and demolition.

Examination papers found among the rubble of the flattened camp showed that
student terrorists learned the best way to shoot down an aircraft, at what
height, the angle at which the weapon should be fired and how many people
would be required to carry it.

Questions included: "If a plane is travelling at a height of 900 metres and
a speed of 500 metres a second, which part of the aircraft should you target
with your weapon?"

Three trainee terrorists all chose the correct spot of the four circled
options on a sketch of a plane.

The Arabic-language tests of three students, Abu Hassan Qatari, Musaub al
Freeb and Osama, focused on the use of the old Russian-made Dashka
anti-aircraft weapon.

Out of a maximum score of 30, Al Freeb scored 24.5, Osama 22 and Qatari
19.5. Qatari was poor on dates and left some answers blank. Al Freeb gave
detailed responses.

Some of the questions were handwritten in red. Some were fill-in-the-blanks.
Others required dates. A few were specific to a weapon's weight and range.
Each correct answer was marked with a red check mark, each wrong answer with
an 'x.'

The questions were basic. Students had to know the inner workings of the
weapon, how to take it apart and put it back together. They had to know the
ammunition it used, how many rounds it could fire per minute and per second.

The students drew careful designs of weapons, or of a human being, carefully
marking off target areas between the eyes and the heart.

Paper was strewn around the training camp site, though much of it was
burned. In one cave were several paperback books by Bin Laden entitled A
Call to Jihad, which rails against the US and British military presence in
Saudi Arabia, the Gulf and the Middle East.

In one notebook there was a Pashtu-language poem dedicated to the Taliban's
leader, Mullah Mohammed Omar, along with scribblings from one friend to
another. On one page the student practised his signature over and over.

There were doodles and chiding notes between friends. A postcard of fighters
trudging up a rocky hillside at sunset says in Arabic: "Today Afghanistan,
tomorrow Pakistan."

A cutout pencil drawing of a Kalashnikov rifle is pasted on to the front.
"Made in Pakistan," is printed on the back.

The marines said there were indications that the camp had been inhabited as
recently as two weeks ago.

During their raid, however, they failed to notice the British address, which
could prove to be a valuable piece of intelligence.

The south London connection

Zacarias Moussaoui, 33

American investigators are convinced Moussaoui was set to be the 20th
hijacker on September 11, but he was arrested on immigration charges four
weeks earlier in Minnesota after flying school staff became suspicious when
he asked to go to jumbo jet simulators without completing his basic training

A French national of Morrocan extraction, Moussaoui is thought to have moved
to London in 1992. He took a masters degree in international commerce at
South Bank University, and attended Brixton mosque in Gresham Road, south
London, near the address found on the pamphlet in Afghanistan yesterday. He
is also known to have lived in a flat in Brixton.

Abdul Haqq Baker, chairman of Brixton mosque, said Moussaoui was openly
extreme in his religious beliefs. In the summer of 1998 he left the mosque,
apparently frustrated at the moderate Islamic teaching practised there.

He appeared in a US court on Wednesday charged with six counts of
conspiracy, including conspiracy to murder and acts of terrorism.

Richard Reid, 28

Reid, the so-called shoe bomber, is thought to have met Moussaoui at Brixton
mosque between 1995 and 1998. A mugger and petty thief from Bromley, south
London, Reid served several spells in prison during the mid-1990s including
one in Feltham young offenders' institute in 1995. During this time he
converted to Islam, and on his release was directed to Brixton mosque, which
has a reputation for informally helping Muslim offenders on release.

Speaking last week after Reid had narrowly failed to blow up a passenger jet
using explosives hidden in his shoes, Abdul Haqq Baker described him as an
"affable, amiable" fellow when he first attended the mosque. However, he
gradually became interested in extreme interpretations of Islam.

Mr Baker became convinced Reid was mixing with extremists who targeted the
mosque because of its largely young, convert congregation. Reid began
arguing that jihad justified violence. In the summer of 1998 he stopped
attending the mosque and is believed to have travelled to Pakistan and
possibly Afghanistan before launching his botched terrorist attack.

2) New terror link to Brixton
Audrey Gillan
Saturday January 5, 2002
The Guardian

New links with Osama bin Laden and south London emerged last night after a
council flat address in Brixton was found on the back-page of a weapons
instruction manual left at an al-Qaida training camp in Afghanistan.

The crudely printed booklet included handwritten instructions on how to use
various light automatic weapons. Written neatly but in broken English it
describes where to shoot on the human body to produce a fatal wound.

The address is a few streets from the Brixton mosque linked to the alleged
shoe bomber, Richard Reid, and the so-called 20th hijacker, Zacarias
Moussaoui, who US authorities believe was part of the team behind the
attacks on September 11. Both men are being held in the US.

The south London address was found along with exam papers that trainee
terrorists sat, testing their knowledge on how to shoot down planes, as well
as books by Bin Laden.

Yesterday, the flat's occupant said she was "shocked" to be told that her
address had been found in an al-Qaida camp and that she had nothing to do
with terrorism. She said she had lived there for 18 months.

Shortly after Moussaoui was arrested there were reports that he had lived
with his north African girlfriend in a Brixton flat. No address was given
but police are known to have raided an address nearby.

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited

3) Three Britons among al-Qa'eda fighters held
By Sean O'Neill
(Filed: 05/01/2002)

THREE young British Muslims are among hundreds of Taliban and al-Qa'eda
prisoners being held in a jail in northern Afghanistan, the Foreign Office
said last night.

The men, all from the West Midlands, approached Red Cross representatives
who were visiting the prison in the northern town of Shibergan, near

They said they were British citizens and the information was passed to the
Foreign Office on New Year's Eve.

On the same day, American troops moved a batch of prisoners, believed to be
al-Qa'eda fighters, from Shibergan to a makeshift jail in the southern city
of Kandahar. It was not known if the three Britons were among them.

"The three told the Red Cross people they were British but we have not been
able to confirm that because we do not have details such as passport
numbers," said a Foreign Office spokesman.

The spokesman was unable to say whether the men, whose names have not been
released, had been fighting with Taliban or al-Qa'eda forces for a long
period or whether they travelled to Afghanistan only recently.

It is believed that up to 40 Britons may have been fighting with the Taliban
or al-Qa'eda terrorists but the three men in Shibergan and James McLintock,
a Scottish convert to Islam, are the only confirmed detainees.

McLintock, 37, a father of five children, who is originally from Dundee, was
being held in custody at a military camp in Pakistan after being arrested
while trying to cross from Afghanistan close to the Tora Bora cave complex.

The Foreign Office took the unusual step yesterday of denying reports that
it had been refused consular access to McLintock because he had been under
interrogation by the officials of America's Central Intelligence Agency.

A spokesman said: "We have asked for access to McLintock but that is being
delayed by the Pakistani authorities who are holding him in detention.

"It is without foundation to say that the CIA are blocking our access."


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