
Frankfurter Allmegeine Zeitung
January 6, 2002

German Soldiers to Leave for Kabul on Tuesday

F.A.Z. BERLIN. A contingent of 70 German paratroopers
is set to depart on Tuesday morning for Afghanistan as
Germany's first contribution to an international
security and peacekeeping force, Defense Minister
Rudolf Scharping said on Sunday. 

The German troops will be accompanied by 30 soldiers
from the Netherlands, Mr. Scharping said at a press
conference in Bonn after a meeting with senior
advisers, where he heard reports from three German
officers who had returned from Afghanistan.

The armed forces had wanted the troops to leave on
Monday morning, but bad weather was predicted in
Turkey, where the troops were to stop on the way, the
defense minister said.

Mr. Scharping has still not decided how many German
troops will participate in the United
Nations-sanctioned force, which is expected to number
about 4,500 in total. The German parliament has set a
maximum of 1,200 for the force.

During his remarks, Mr. Scharping stressed that the
International Security Assistance Force for
Afghanistan had a "clear mandate" on the basis of the
UN Security Council resolution. 

He added that the area of operations would be the
Afghan capital of Kabul and the surrounding area as
well as the airport in Bagram, 40 kilometers (25
miles) from Afghanistan's seat of government.

Stability for the rest of Afghanistan, Mr. Scharping
said, is the responsibility of the Afghan interim

Meanwhile, 50 paratroopers from the 31st Paratroopers
Brigade, a part of Germany's elite Division for
Special Operations, were being moved on Sunday from
their base in Oldenburg to a military airport near

The paratroopers are part of a 230-man advance
commando that is to prepare the way for ISAF, the
greater part of which is to be in place by late
January. Their mission includes securing housing and
preparing medical, cooking and sanitation facilities
in addition to setting up a communications structure.

The commando also includes Danish specialists for
disposing of mines and stray ordnance as well as
Austrian and Dutch soldiers. Brigadier General
Hubertus von Butler will lead the commando as well as
the full German contingent within ISAF.

The security force, which is to be under British
command, is charged with maintaining peace and
security in and around Kabul for the interim
government led by Hamid Karzai. 

Mr. Karzai's government came to power as the result of
UN-sponsored negotiations between leading Afghan
political groups after the United States airpower and
Northern Alliance troops liberated Afghanistan from
the Islamist Taliban militia in the war against
terror. The interim government is to run the country
for six months.

Germany has pledged up to 3,900 troops for the
struggle against terrorism. On Jan. 2, six German navy
ships set off to patrol seas off the Horn of Africa in
what will be the country's largest naval deployment
since World War II. The ships are due to arrive at
their destination in just over two weeks. 
Jan. 6, 2002

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