
BBC. 7 January 2002. Pro-Taleban Britons 'will strike UK.'

A man who claims to have helped recruit more than 200 UK volunteers to
fight for the Taleban says many will return home to launch terrorist
attacks that "strike at the heart" of the UK.

Hassan Butt, 22, from Manchester, told BBC Radio 4's Today programme he
would personally encourage attacks on political and military targets.

Speaking from his base in Lahore, where he acts as a spokesman for the
Islamic fundamentalist group al-Muhajiroun, Mr Butt insisted the fall of
the Taleban did not spell the end of the holy war against the West.

He said that although many British Muslims had been "martyred," others
could be bringing the war home from Afghanistan.

"If they do return I do believe that they will take military action
within Britain," he told the BBC.

"One thing I've always tried to stress is the point that the mujahideen
that are coming in from Britain should strike at the heart of the enemy
which is within its own country, within Britain."

"Those mujahideen that are coming from America should strike, again, at
the heart of America and I have always been in favour of this."

He said British Muslims would be encouraged to attack "British military
and government institutes as well as British military and government

Asked if they would be helped by the al-Qaeda terrorist network, Mr Butt
claimed that any Muslim - including many in the UK - would be willing to
offer assistance.

Citing his return to Britain last month for three weeks, Mr Butt claimed
none of the pro-Taleban volunteers were worried about being caught.

He said the method he used to enter the country was "irrelevant" but
there were many "secret" routes into Britain for use by Muslims.

"The mere fact that the British government had no idea I was here shows
the incompetence and the vulnerabilities that Britain has when it comes
to dealing with the mujahideen and Muslims," he said.

Asked whether he felt guilty for promoting attacks on his country Mr
Butt replied: "How could I possibly feel guilty about something I've
never had any loyalty [towards]?"

"Just because I have a passport doesn't mean I support that government."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller

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