
Iraq Condemns Israeli "Piracy" Over Ship Seizure 
Xinhuanet 2002-01-08 05:31:20 

   BAGHDAD, January 7 (Xinhuanet) -- Iraq on Monday condemned as "
piracy" the Israeli seizure of a vessel alleged to carry arms for 
the Palestinian National Authority (PNA), the official INA news 
agency reported.

   "The Israeli act was piracy and aggression on the freedom of 
navigation and a scandalous violation of the international law," 
said a cabinet meeting chaired by Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.

   It also stressed that the vessel was seized when it was 
navigating in international waters, some 500 kilometers away from 
the Israeli Red Sea coast. 

   The ship with 50 tons of arms aboard was captured by Israeli 
naval force early Thursday morning. Israeli Prime Minister Ariel 
Sharon has accused Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat of trying to 
use the weapons to fight the Jewish state.

   But the PNA has rejected the accusation, saying that it has 
nothing to do with the ship.  


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