----- Original Message -----
From: John Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2002 2:52 PM
Subject: Fw: Britain: Public Workers Union Stops Funds To Blair & Labour Party

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2002 1:18 AM
Subject: Britain: Public Workers Union Stops Funds To Blair & Labour Party

Jan 1 2002
 By Paul Gilfeather Whitehall Editor

LABOUR has lost the support of one the biggest unions after a furious row
over  public services.

 The GMB plans to wipe away 100 years of history by backing independent
 candidates in this year's local elections.

Union boss John Edmonds drew up the proposal following dismay at Tony
Blair's  record on public services.

He is furious at the Premier's plans to hand private firms a bigger role in
the  running of schools and hospitals.

Now party leaders face losing millions of pounds in GMB contributions as
the union prepares to cut its cashline.

Mr Edmonds said yesterday: "My union has supported Labour candidates in
every election since it was founded more than 100 years ago.

"But no longer can the party take the support of our members for granted.

"My members - nurses, teachers and other public sector staff - worked
tirelessly  to ensure the election of a Labour Government last year.

"And they did not do so to see a Labour government - a LABOUR government -
introduce the same privatisation policies forced on us by the Tories."

The controversial plan has won the backing of the GMB's 750,000 members.
It's the first time in the party's history that one of the big four unions has
cut its links in such a way.

The move could have massive implications for relations within the party and
the historical link between Labour and the unions.

The union, now third in size to Unison and Amicus, aims to back independent
candidates in May's town hall elections.

And the GMB, which gave £4million to Labour last year, says those who stand
on the issue of better public services will win its backing.

Its bombshell comes after Dr Richard Taylor was elected to the Commons
after vowing to save Kidderminster Hospital from the axe.

A union source said: "We believe the people who are determined to raise the
standard of key services deserve our support.

"It's heartbreaking, but so far this Labour Government has done nothing to
prove it really cares about schools and hospitals and the people who work in

"We will now support independents fighting for public services in the local
elections but this will almost certainly spread to national elections if the
situation remains the same."

The union recently commissioned a Mori poll which showed that 20 per cent
of voters would back independent candidates campaigning for better schools and

Mr Edmonds warned: "Our members can no longer be taken for granted.

"The Government has to earn their trust in the same way they have to earn
the trust of the rest of the electorate.

"Our members are the public sector workers that Tony Blair speaks so freely
about unsettling. But these are the people who go and win elections for

"If he keeps attacking them then he cannot expect the same people to go out
and do a job for him."
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