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----- Original Message -----
From: Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
To: Bruce K. Gagnon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, January 07, 2002 5:23 PM




Following the September 11 terrorist attacks on the U.S., George W. Bush's
request for $8.3 billion in 2002 for Star Wars research and development (R &
D) easily passed the Congress.  Even Democrats, who prior to 9-11 were
inclined to cut $1 billion from the request, folded under pressure and
handed Bush and his aerospace corporation allies a 40% increase over the
previous year.  With the new funds, the Bush team wants to dramatically
expand the number and kind of tests for Star Wars. It is now moving to
upgrade testing facilities in Alaska and Hawaii in addition to those already
in California, Florida, and the Marshall Islands.  "The focus is on testing,
and lots of it," says Lt. Col. Rick Lehner, a spokesman for the Ballistic
Missile Defense Organization (BMDO), which manages the Pentagon's program.
Secretary of War, Donald Rumsfeld, wants to build a "layered system" - a
combination of "missile defense" systems.  Some would be designed to attack
a ballistic missile in the boost phase of its flight where it is easiest to
detect, others in the descent phase, and still others in midcourse.  These
new systems would be based on land, at sea, in space, and aboard aircraft.
All of this will require massive annual appropriations of R & D funds.  Many
Democrats are saying they oppose deployment but at this time there is
nothing to deploy, so this is a safe position to take.  But the majority of
Democrats are also supporting a "robust" R & D program for Star Wars.
Unless this position of the Democratic Party changes, we will not be able to
prevent a new arms race from moving into the heavens.


The Pentagon will get more than $343 billion in fiscal year 2002.  Over the
next 10 years, Bush plans to spend over $3.5 trillion on the military.  In
order to cover the increases in Pentagon spending Bush intends to cut funds
in other government departments in 2002: Agriculture, Commerce, Energy
(non-military), Interior, Justice, Labor, Transportation and Environmental
Protection.  State governments are now running a combined deficit of $25
billion and are anticipating a shortfall of $11.3 billion in education funds
in 2002.  America is crumbling from within.


 Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) announced in Cleveland, OH on October 13 that
he has introduced HR 2977, "The Space Preservation Act of 2001."  The bill
calls upon the U.S. to ban all research, development, testing, and
deployment of space-based weapons and mandates the U.S. to enter into formal
negotiations to create a global ban on weapons in space.  At a Keep Space
for Peace conference organized by the Global Network (GN) and Cleveland
Peace Action, Rep. Kucinich told the assembled that, "We need to believe in
ourselves and our ability to change things.  We have to work on transforming
the consciousness of the country..What could be more conservative than to
want to conserve the planet?"  Already well over 200 local, national, and
international organizations have endorsed the Kucinich bill.  People are
urged to contact their Congressional delegations immediately and urge their
co-sponsorship of the bill.  A full copy of the legislation can be found on
the home page of the GN website.


The recent Bush/Putin meeting in Crawford, Texas seemed to deliver an
agreement on nuclear weapons cuts.  Bush is reluctant to sign any treaties
or agreements, though he promised to draw down U.S. nuclear weapons to
somewhere between 2,200-1,700 operational warheads.  (The U.S. presently has
around 7,500.)  Putin promised similar cuts as Russia is anxious to unload
the enormous costs of maintaining its vast but crumbling nuclear arsenal.
Bush and the military want to move much of the money now spent on nukes into
"21st Century weapons technologies," meaning Star Wars weapons that could
actually be used.  Putin has come under attack in Russia for being much too
cozy with the U.S.  In particular, many Russians fear that a shift is
underway to a policy defined by the interests of the Russian oligarchs who
are very closely connected with western multi-national corporations.  Many
Russians fear that, since their economy has become totally privatized,
Russia's foreign policy is now for sale as well.


On December 13, George W. Bush announced that the U.S. will withdraw from
the ABM Treaty in six months time.  Previously Bush and his administration
had called the 1972 treaty with Russia "ancient history."  Bush defense guru
Richard Perle scoffed at "the nostalgia for arms control," saying an
assessment of its history showed its security benefits were nil.  On
December 17 Russian President Putin responded by saying that his government
was "prepared for certain modifications of the treaty."  The ABM withdrawal
was particularly disappointing to Russia after its cooperation with the U.S.
in the Afghanistan war.  "As soon as the campaign was won, the U.S. policy
became like this: 'Thank you, but even in issues that concern both you and
us, we will do as we please,' " complained Vladimir Lukin, the Russian Duma
deputy speaker.  A world without arms control treaties will enable Bush to
exercise maximum control as the U.S. continues to move from diplomacy to
global domination.


"It's taken us 13 years to get here, but we've arrived," crowed Frank
Gaffney, head of the Center for Security Policy during its recent "Keepers
of the Flame" dinner at an exclusive Washington hotel.  Featured guests of
the hawkish think tank were Secretary of War Donald Rumsfeld and his deputy,
Paul Wolfowitz.  All of Washington has been abuzz about how the hardliners
have captured control over U.S. military and foreign policy decision making.
Secretary of State Colin Powell has been left to playing the "good cop" as
the "bad cops" have taken over.  The Rumsfeld-Wolfowitz team forced their
own man, John Bolton, into the position as Undersecretary of State for Arms
Control, Non-Proliferation, and International Security, despite Powell's
strenuous objections.  Bolton opposes multilateral arms control agreements
on principle.  Richard Perle, known as Ronald Reagan's "prince of darkness"
for his distaste of disarmament treaties now chairs the Bush defense policy
board.  Wolfowitz is the foremost proponent of intensifying the war with


"This is a global war on terrorism and weapons of mass destruction," Gen.
Richard Myers, Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman, said in October.  (Myers was
a recent commander of the U.S. Space Command.)  "So, Afghanistan is only one
piece.  So, of course, we're thinking very broadly.  I would say since World
War II we haven't thought this broadly about a campaign."  As corporate
globalization grows, with a lowering of wages and standards of living around
the world, there will be more uprisings as workers protest cutbacks in
salaries and government services.  This new "global war" in the end will be
about protecting corporate "interests and investments" and suppressing
dissent.  The Space Command will give the Pentagon the ability to hear
everything, see everything, and to target everything on the Earth.  The war
in Central Asia  ultimately goes way beyond terrorism.  A quick review of
the world atlas reveals that Central Asia is loaded with oil and natural
gas, and following the dismantling of the former Soviet Union there is now a
political vacuum in the region.  Whoever controls Central Asia militarily,
will be able to build the pipelines to move the resources to market.
"Projecting power" thus means controlling resources.  Fighting terrorism
will become the broad sales pitch to convince the American people and the
world that this "global war" is about freedom.  However, the only real
freedom involved is freedom for Bush-Cheney oil and weapons corporations'
interests to operate at full throttle with taxpayer subsidy.


As the U.S. searches for a new, big enemy to justify Star Wars and massive
increases for the Pentagon, China becomes the wild card.  Christian
fundamentalist churches across America are now spreading the gospel that the
Chinese are the new "evil empire" out to take over the world.  China, which
today has 20 nuclear weapons capable of hitting the U.S., is also being
touted as a potential "rogue" state that might launch a nuclear strike at
U.S. cities along the Pacific coast.  The truth is that China is going
"capitalist" and U.S. super stores are their best customers.  China remains
staunchly opposed to U.S. Star Wars plans and continues to call for a global
ban on weapons in space.  According to Yan Xuetong, head of the Institute of
International Studies at Tsinghua University, "The U.S. is the world's only
superpower, pulling out of the ABM shows that they know they don't need to
care about what others say."  If Washington goes ahead with Star Wars, China
will follow by modernizing its limited nuclear arsenal in an effort to
maintain its "strategic credibility," Yan said.  Another Chinese scholar, Ma
Min, wrote the following in a recent issue of the Chinese publication World
Affairs:  "In order to realize its goal of a unipolar world, the U.S.
continues to penetrate the countries of Central Asia formerly controlled by
the Soviet Union..and to limit the growth of China's influence" as its
economy expands.


Iraq should be "the principal next target" the military goes after, says
Richard Perle, who chairs Bush's Defense Policy Board.  Perle, who has long
advocated action against Saddam Hussein, says more than airpower will be
needed, suggesting that American ground troops should be utilized.  Perle
and others in the administration are also exaggerating North Korean missile
capabilities and are attempting to sabotage reunification efforts between
North and South Korea.  In June, George W. Bush said North Korea could "not
be trusted."  He also implied that North Korea had cheated on its 1994
agreement with the U.S. to freeze its nuclear weapons program, even though
U.S. and international inspectors have found no evidence of such cheating.
In August, Colin Powell cancelled a meeting with North Korea's foreign
minister at the Association of Southeast Asian Nations regional forum.
North Korea is ready for an opening with the U.S. and South Korea, but feels
it cannot afford the appearance of bowing to superpower pressure, especially
when the U.S. deliberately escalates tensions.  Only making matters worse,
Seoul's Yonhap news agency announced in November that the U.S. plans to
build a new Star Wars radar base in South Korea.  The Pentagon plans to
build an X-Band radar between 2010-2015 which will surely antagonize North
Korea even more and possibly prompt them to renew efforts to build nuclear


Recent "missile defense" tests have shown mixed results.  A July 14
"successful" test was able to destroy a warhead in space because a beacon on
the target missile signaled its location during the flight.  A December 3
"successful" intercept again called out its location via beacon.  Up to this
point the Pentagon has not tried to deploy dummy warheads in space that
would confuse the "hit-to-kill" mechanism in what would be a real-world
scenario.  The next test is slated for mid-February, otherwise it will be
delayed to May, 2002.  Each of these tests cost taxpayers over $100 million.
Given enough time and money, the military just might make some elements of
the Star Wars system work.  Opponents of "missile defense" must oppose this
new testing expansion as costly and destabilizing.  Any inclination to
support testing, as most Republicans and Democrats do, only keeps the money
flowing into the pipeline and gives the program life.


Vandenberg AFB, CA has been in the news a lot this past year.  Regular
non-violent civil disobedience actions have taken place there to protest the
launching of "missile defense" tests.  Beginning October 7, 2000 when 23
activists were arrested for a front gate protest, GN coordinator Bruce
Gagnon was sentenced on December 6, 2001 to two years supervised probation
and a $1,000 fine for that action.  Several others in the group were also
found guilty and received one year probation and fines ranging from $100 -
$500.  Several had their charges dropped and one man was found not guilty.
A six person affinity group from the Los Angeles Catholic Worker house were
found guilty and spent several months in jail this summer for refusing to
pay fines after being sentenced for a May 20, 2001 back country action at
Vandenberg.  And a group of 17 Greenpeace activists are now scheduled for
trial on felony conspiracy and trespassing charges for attempting to disrupt
a Star Wars test at the base on July 14.  But Vandenberg's troubles go
beyond just protests.  On June 29, a Minuteman 3 missile transporter
traveling at unsafe speeds on the base rolled over, injuring two airmen and
causing $2.3 million in damage.  As a result, the commander of the 576th
Flight Test Squadron at the base was fired because of "loss of confidence"
by his superiors.  Then on December 13, a prototype "missile defense" system
booster rocket went awry and had to be destroyed just 30 seconds into
flight.  The $21 million incident led to the closing of several beaches
along the Pacific Ocean as flaming pieces of the three stage rocket rained
down upon the water, spilling its toxic fuels one mile off the coast of
Vandenberg.  What effect the accident had on wildlife in the area is


The Pentagon is now clearing land at Fort Greeley in Alaska for a second
"missile defense" launch site in that state.  The military is already
launching Star Wars tests on Kodiak Island.  On November 9, a test from
Kodiak exploded immediately after launch.  (The military first told the
media that it had intentionally destroyed the rocket, but word leaked out
that this was untrue.)  The Kodiak launch complex has experienced a 20%
failure rate to date.  On November 23, it was reported that the Kodiak
launch facility had applied for an "incidental harassment permit" for
Stellar Sea Lions.  This request for an "exemption" to the Marine Mammal
Protection Act indicates that the military expects to have many more
exploding rockets on pristine Kodiak Island in coming years.  The Pentagon
will also build new silos and missile storage facilities for about five
"missile defense" interceptors at Fort Greeley ($275 million has been
appropriated for construction.)  The Bush team is considering declaring Fort
Greeley a working "missile defense" site as early as 2004.  Greeley is
already a contaminated site from previous military nuclear operations at the
base.  A coalition of environmental groups have filed suit demanding new
environmental impact statements before any more work is done at either
Greeley or Kodiak Island.  The Pentagon says there is no need for new
studies because there will be no environmental impacts from the launch


>From a remote site in Alaska, the Air Force and the Naval Research
Laboratory are aiming a massive series of antennas at the farthest reaches
of the ionosphere in order to interfere with global communications and
change the weather on a battlefield level.  Called HAARP (High Frequency
Active Auroral Research Program), the military would be altering the power
of Mother Nature.  Once complete, the 10 year old program would field 180
antennas operating at 3,600 kilowatts.  The radio beams would literally
change the way the sky is put together.  Check the GN website for more
information on HAARP.


The Navy announced in December the cancellation of the Navy Area Missile
Defense Program due to poor performance and cost overruns.  Other Navy
"missile defense" programs are still underway...  The Pentagon is bringing
back to life a program to permanently station anti-satellite (ASAT) weapons
in space and plans tests in the coming years.  Baker Spring, an analyst for
the right-wing Heritage Foundation, recently praised the upcoming tests of a
"kinetic kill vehicle" as an indication that the Pentagon may be "ready to
begin using space" as an arena for warfare...  Turkey is considering
allowing the U.S. to build a base that would host early warning radar
stations and boost-phase interceptor missiles.  Located in southeastern
Turkey, this base would give the U.S. the ability to counter launch
capabilities from Iran or Iraq that at present do not even exist!


As the "global war" grows, the U.S. fears the loss of troops and the support
of the public.  One way to lessen the chance of personnel losses has been
the successful introduction of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).  Citing the
use of UAVs in the Afghan war, George W. Bush in December stated that, "The
conflict in Afghanistan has taught us more about the future of our military
than a decade of blue ribbon panels and think-tank symposiums.  When all of
our military can continuously locate and track moving targets - with
surveillance from air and space - warfare will be truly revolutionized."
The Global Hawk pilot-less plane is built by Northrop Grumman in Palmdale,
CA.  By fitting weapons to the UAVs, the military is able to reduce the time
between target identification and target destruction.  Having this new
technology will only encourage the Pentagon to become even more "active"
around the world in coming years.


The U.S. intends to project power "to and from space."  The military space
plane is envisioned as the successor to NASA's space shuttle.  The Air Force
is now making plans to devote significant funding for a military space plane
in the 2004 budget.  The military space plane would allow the U.S. to
circumvent the U.N.'s Outer Space Treaty that outlaws "weapons of mass
destruction" in space by claiming that the space plane was not "stationed"
in space.  Instead it would fly into space, and then return to earth
delivering "precision strikes on terrestrial targets."  The space plane
would also deploy war-fighting satellites in space.  NASA's Marshall Space
Flight Center in Huntsville, AL is now working with the Air Force on
creation of the military space plane.


The new Space-Based Infrared System (SBIRS) satellites are the key to making
the Pentagon's "missile defense" system work.  SBIRS Low (more than 20
satellites in low Earth orbit) and SBIRS High (four spacecraft in
geo-synchronous orbit) are both seriously over budget.  SBIRS Low has gone
from $10 billion to $23 billion over the past year.  Both programs are now
expected to delay their inaugural missions by several years.  On December 18
Congress decided to allow the military to choose whether it wants to
continue work on the SBIRS satellite-based missile tracking systems or
switch to another option.  The Air Force Space Aggressor Squadron has
requested $13 million in 2002 to practice attacking satellites in space in
order to "disrupt" their operations.  Jay Garner, president of SY Technology
says, "I think this will help us hone our skills on how we control space."
The cost and technological obstacles of Star Wars are becoming more and more
clear.  In the meantime, the aerospace industry gets richer and the
politicians get more kickbacks via campaign contributions.


Europeans are increasingly growing fearful of U.S. plans for control and
domination of space.  A recent poll in England revealed that 70% of the
public believes U.S. Star Wars plans will create a new arms race and make
their country more vulnerable.  In June, Donald Rumsfeld went to Europe to
meet with NATO Foreign Ministers hoping to win their support for Star Wars.
He failed.  The U.S. is working hard to get NATO to agree to deploy a
Europe-wide Theatre Missile Defense (TMD) system.  Such a deployment in
Europe would divert scarce funds from human needs programs and move Europe
away from support for arms control treaties and into a posture of escalation
to handle perceived threats.  And more importantly, European participation
in TMD would make it impossible for them to challenge the U.S. larger Star
Wars plans.  Spain and Italy, both now with right-wing governments, are
working with the U.S. to create TMD systems.  A U.S. Army study, released on
November 9, concludes that "emerging threats require a capability for space
control to deny potential adversaries the ability to see us, target us, and
attack us from space.  Common access to outer space will challenge, perhaps
even limit, U.S. ability to achieve strategic surprise."  Reading this, some
European leaders are calling for the development of their own space-based
satellite system called Galileo.  France, and several other governments see
Galileo as a vital counterweight to the U.S. Global Positioning System
(GPS), which has a vast number of military and civilian applications.  The
U.S. has reacted sharply to Galileo and U.S. Deputy Secretary of War Paul
Wolfowitz has asked European leaders to "review" the security implications
of the project.  But President Chirac of France warned that Europeans risked
"vassal status" if they abandoned this and other important space projects.
The space arms race is now on.


The cost of the International Space Station (ISS) has grown from $10 billion
to $100 billion.  Congress has decided to give NASA two years to bring
spending under control or face serious cutbacks in the massive project.
Officials from Europe, Japan, Russia, and Canada voiced their collective
anger in December at any U.S. plans to scale back or slow down the ISS.
European governments said they would freeze most non-essential spending on
the ISS as they wait to see whether NASA's budget crisis will force a
reduced program.  NASA is weighing several options for reducing the station'
s size and research capability, slowing its construction, and having fewer
space shuttles be used for the ISS, resulting in delays for the European and
Japanese laboratories.


The Pluto Kuiper Express mission is back on track at NASA after Congress
(under pressure from the Planetary Society) went against NASA and Bush
administration wishes by including $30 million in the 2002 budget for the
project.  The mission would carry with it deadly plutonium generators to
power the spacecraft.  The $30 million is only a small down payment on what
NASA estimated to be at least a several hundred million dollar undertaking.


For the second year in a row, the GN held its International Day of Protest
to Stop the Militarization of Space.  This year we doubled the number of
local events held world wide.  Over 115 actions took place in 19 countries,
many linking U.S. plans for space "control and domination" with the war in
Afghanistan.  Reports from London, Berlin, and Stuttgart were that they had
tens of thousands of people in each place.  Other large actions were held in
South Korea, Japan, Australia, and throughout the U.S.  Reports and photos
from many of the actions can still be seen on the GN website home page.
Thanks to all who endorsed the actions and helped to create a true day of
global dialogue about the future of space.


Due to the growing success of our international day of protest, the GN has
decided to call for a full week of activities in 2002.  Our Keep Space for
Peace Week will be held October 4-11, 2002 and we encourage groups worldwide
to hold local protests at key space installations, organize visits to
political leaders, hold community teach-ins, meetings with religious
leaders, visits to local schools, media work, and public displays.  The
dates of October 4-11 were chosen to coincide with the pro-space "World
Space Week" that annually promotes the aerospace industry agenda for space.


On February 4, the GN will once again hold a protest vigil in Albuquerque,
N.M. at the 19th Annual Symposium on Space Nuclear Power & Propulsion.  For
the past several years, the GN has rallied at the event to protest plans for
nuclear power in space.  The event will be held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel
(330 Tijeras NW) from 10:00 - 2:00 pm.  "The fact that the country is
willing again to consider use of nuclear energy for commercial power may imp
rove the prospects of applying this technology to space exploration," said
George Schmidt of NASA in a recent interview.


May 10-12, 2002 will be the dates of the GN's 10th Annual International
Space Organizing Conference & Protest.  Last year people from 20 countries
gathered in Leeds, England for the event and similar representation is
expected in 2002 when GN affiliates and friends gather in Berkeley, CA.
Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA), the only person in Congress to vote against the
Bush authorization for war in Afghanistan, will be this year's keynote
speaker.  Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) has also been invited to promote his
space weapons ban bill.  Events will begin on May 10 with a protest event at
the Lockheed Martin production facility in nearby Sunnyvale where a new
laser test site for space weapons has been created.  Registration for the
event will run between $15 - $60 (pay what you can best afford within the
sliding scale.)   Contact us for more information.


Membership dues are the primary source of income for the GN.  In 2001 our
total annual budget was around $60,000, not much in comparison to the war
chests of the aerospace corporations.  We rely on individual and group
memberships to sustain our work.  Please join with us as we work to keep
space for peace.  Our dues are $10 - $100 per year (pay what you can within
the sliding scale.)  For an up-to-date list of current GN affiliates check
our website.


In my travels throughout 2001 (27 states and 5 countries) I witnessed a
level of anger and despair among progressive folks that I have never seen
before.  People felt as though they had been riding a roller coaster.  The
highs of the Seattle protests were followed by the lows of the Daisy Cutter
bombings of Afghanistan.  At each speaking event I heard the same question
from people:  What is the one thing we can do to turn this madness around?
I always say that there is not one single thing - other than hard work.  But
there are many things we must do.  We must first acknowledge reality: admit
that our country has been taken over by the corporations, the fat-cats, the
military.  Our Congress is under the control of the rich and powerful.  We'
ve lost our democracy.  They are now chopping back our civil liberties.  The
TV networks have become propaganda machines for the Pentagon.  Retired
generals with pointing sticks are seen constantly on CNN reviewing the
latest attack strategy in "America's new war."  Hardly a peaceful word is
heard on the tube.  The truth must be told.  The time has come for a new
American revolution.  We have to say that the country has been hijacked by
the forces that President Eisenhower warned us against.  A corporate elite
has taken control of the USA.  All across America I've seen rage growing as
education, health care, child care and other programs are cut and
joblessness grows.  The social security "lock box" has been broken into. The
people are being bled to fund the war in Central Asia and to pay for the new
arms race in space - Star Wars.  Because of mechanization, computerization
and robotics there are now superfluous populations.  People are not needed
and there is nothing more dangerous to the elite than educated, unnecessary
people.  We all know that ultimately there is little difference between the
Democrats and Republicans today.  Oh, there are surely some good politicians
like Rep. Barbara Lee and Rep. Dennis Kucinich who still fight the good
fight for the people.  But the heart and soul of the Congress is dead.
There is little inspiration in Washington.  If we are to survive, if we are
to have small family farms and schools for our kids, then we must support
this new awakening American revolution.  If we are to preserve our
environment, if we are ever to have health care for all the people, then we
must call for an end to the corporate monarchy.  Our friends around the
world are hoping and praying that the American people will find the courage
to throw off the chains that bind us.  The chains of TV propaganda, the
chains of competition, fame and fortune, the chains of fear - they all must
come off.  If there is to be peace in the world the American people must
throw off our addiction to power and violence.  We must acknowledge that we
live in a decaying society that pretends to be a glorious bastion of freedom
and democracy.  These are not my words.  These are the things I heard people
tell me over and over again as I traveled in 2001 on behalf of the Global
Network.  Our struggle to keep space for peace is only a part of this larger
American revolution that is now in progress - simmering, growing, happening
right before our eyes.  A new American revolution begins when we say out
loud what we are all feeling or sharing privately with friends.  The new
American revolution grows when we give others hope by giving voice to their
growing frustration and alienation.  There is no doubt that most people in
America think we can't "beat city hall."  How can they be expected to dream
of a new revolution?  People need to know they are not alone in feeling that
something is terribly wrong.  People are fighting for their children.  They
are fighting for education, and health care and clean drinking water.  At
the same time, they support a big military budget because they think it will
protect their kids from "terrorist attacks."  Our job is to create a
discussion in our local communities that reaches into people's lives and
shows them how Star Wars and war with Iraq are killing their children's
future.  They know that the corporations control the country - most of them
work for one.  They need to see how military spending steals from their
future.  Of course it will take years to unravel this tightly bound knot
that keeps true democracy in the U.S. locked up and out of reach of the
people.  Our call for a new revolution cannot be time bound and it must be
done with love. Hatred is not an option.  There is no easy answer or easy
path forward.  We have to avoid despair and the tendency to hide until the s
torm of patriotic fervor subsides.  It takes determination and courage to
stand up in the midst of those chanting USA! USA! USA!  Help us build
momentum for this new revolution that values the Earth and human dignity
over hate, profit, and war.

Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space
PO Box 90083
Gainesville, FL. 32607
(352) 337-9274

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