
Hi Rick - Yes I am a decent guy. etc. At least I think I am.

The Latvians and Estonians and Lithuanians are nazis to the max - no
argument. We could both tell stories for hours.

The Lithuanians had a rally here with their new president. We went to
heckle. We challenged them on their policy not to allow Russians in the
hospital speaking Russian. Their response - well what if a Mexican came to a
US hospital - you certainly wouldn't let him in if he didn't speak English -
would you! They actuially wore brown shirts. They of course were unaware of
the multi lingual nature of US meidcal care.

My comment was merely to pass on what my wife's aunt tells us. She lives in
Riga. My wife is Russian - born in Riga. Aunt Delores tells us that they can
now become citizens. That's all. Merely passing on this simple fact - not
trying to justify the unjustifiable.

Regarding Bush - they don't come any lower.

Regarding Gorbachev - In my opinion Gorbachev is an interesting and complex
figure. To me he and Carter have a lot in common - idealists who did the
wrong thing for the right reasons. I fully acknowledge the harm that came
with the fall of the USSR - both to the citizens of Russia and the citizens
of the rest of the world. Civil rights everywhere are going down as a
result - income inequality is going up. I understand that Gorbachev is held
responsible. In my mind that is a great oversimplification. I lived there
during Brezhnevs time. In my view - of the leaders of Russia since 1900
Gorbachev ranks higher for me than any other - if you allow me to leave out
Lenin because the pros and cons there are too much to try to deal with in
parallel with trying to figure out my income tax.

In my view, The Capitalist world brought down the USSR. Again I could go on
for hours. Simply stated - capitalism uses greed as its engine. Greed is a
hell of a motivator. Capitalism outproduced Russia - and was thus able to
spend more on weapons. Russia was falling behind in the military area.
Russian politicians were not able to convince the citizens that capitalism
was as greedy as it is. People thought that they could have it both ways -
better production and social services. They just didn't realize that in the
US people sleep in the streets - since no one there did. As a result the
Russian intelligencia bought the US propaganda.

I really believed that Gorbachev was trying to reduce the corruption and
dictatorial situation created by his predecessors - and it got out of
control. When I lived there - and not disputing the free education, free
medical, cheap rent, cheap metro tickets, no unemployment - nonetheless it
was more corrupt than Mexico - where I have also done business and perhaps
half as repressive as Indonesia - where I have also done business. You could
not get anything done without paying a bribe. When we got married I had to
buy $500 worth of gifts for the lady who managed the wedding palace - for
example. And - people were still sent off to the boonies if they criticized
the government. Many of my friends were afraid to be seen with me in public.
I criticized my president - they were afraid that to be seen with such a
person might imply that they criticized their president -and they did not
want to deal with the consequences of that. Brezhnev's daughter and her
boyfriend were the two top criminals in Moscow and the police were sure not
going to move against them. etc.

To me Gorbachev looked like a reformer who lost control.

Certainly I could be wrong - just my impression.


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