Responding to the comments by hcottin
"On Gorbachev. I see him as the man who sold out the USSR. The tool. He's collecting big bucks now in some US think tank , living a bourgeois life and and feeling no pain. But  his countrymen and women are dying of hunger, cold and hardship.

Yes, the US helped destroy the USSR, but Gorbachev was part of the problem, not part of the solution. He may even have been someting else. . . 
I understand that you are saying that the US finances the Gorbachev Foundation in Moscow. I was not aware of that. Can you point me to some published information on that connection. I had the impression he funded it with speaking fees.  I am aware that Stanford University rents space in the same complex but it is my impression that they are unrelated. Am I wrong?
My sense is that you blame him for the things that my wife and I blame Yeltsin for. While not as creepy as Bush I put Yeltsin pretty low on my scale.
To me - saying that the US helped destroy the USSR is like saying that Hitler helped contribe to poor mortality statistics for Jews Russians Gypsies and Communists.
How do you rate him vs Stalin, Khruschev, Brezhnev, Andropov, the other old guy, Yeltsin, and Putin. Was/is any of those guys better in your view?
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