----- Original Message -----
Thursday, January 10, 2002 10:53 AM
Daily Telegraph

Iran rejects envoy as 'Jewish spy'
By David Graves
(Filed: 10/01/2002)

IRAN has blocked the appointment of Britain's new ambassador to Teheran because he is considered "a Jew who is an MI6 agent" by Islamic hardliners.

The dispute is damaging attempts by London to improve relations with Teheran.

Although the Foreign Office declined to comment yesterday, senior diplomats confirmed that David Reddaway, 48, had been nominated as ambassador in Teheran, but his appointment had been held up by in-fighting between conservative elements in the Iranian government and reformists led by President Khatami.

Iran regards Israel as one of its arch-enemies, but the British view is that an envoy's religion should not be an issue and a diplomatic appointment should be based on merit and ability.

While there would never be any official confirmation of Mr Reddaway's relationship with MI6, real or imagined, his father, Norman, worked for the Foreign Office's Information Research Department, which has close connections with the secret service.

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