
[That this former UN Envoy to NATO and
Albright-selected operative would be the recipient of
last year's Nobel Peace Prize ranks with Time Magazine
making Adolf Hitler its man of the year in 1938.
As nominal head of the UN, Annan has only one job to
perform in relation to the Western Sahara: To demand
that French and U.S. armed Morocco get out post haste
and stop trying to change the demographics, a la
Indonesia in East Timor earlier.
Instead, the traveling salesman of world imperialism
attacks the Polisario Front and advocates for the
occupying monarchy.]

Saturday January 12, 8:16 AM
Annan backs call for release of Moroccan POWs from
Western Sahara
UN Secretary General Kofi Annan called on the
Polisario Front to release more than 1,350 Moroccan
prisoners of war seized during its struggle for the
independence of the Western Sahara.
In a report to the Security Council, he noted that
most of the prisoners had been held for more than 20
years and described their continued detention as "a
serious humanitarian issue".
Annan said the situation of Saharan refugees living in
camps at Tindouf in neighbouring Algeria was also "a
matter of growing concern".
In a separate letter to the council, Morocco's
ambassador to the United Nations, Mohammed Bennouna,
accused Polisario of using the prisoners of war as
propaganda tools.
On January 2, Polisario said it had released 115
Moroccans at the request of Spanish Prime Minister
Jose Maria Aznar as a gesture to mark the new year and
the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.
Bennouna said their release was "consistent with the
pattern" of Polisario's policy of using prisoners "for
political and propaganda purposes by releasing them in
dribs and drabs."
Bennouna denied that Morocco was holding any Polisario
prisoners, and he asked the Security Council to
"continue its efforts to secure the prompt and
unconditional release of all the Moroccans detained in
camps in Algeria."
Annan said the release of the Moroccans -- like the
release in November of 25 Saharans held by Morocco --
was a "positive development". He urged both sides to
help the UN High Commissioner for Refugees with
confidence-building measures.
Polisario fought a 15-year guerrilla war in Western
Sahara after Morocco annexed the former Spanish colony
in 1976.
The two sides agreed to a ceasefire in 1991 and asked
the UN to organise a referendum on the political
future of the territory, but since then they have been
at loggerheads over the composition of the electoral
Their failure to reach an agreement that would enable
the referendum to take place has cast doubt on the
future of the UN peacekeeping mission in the Western
Sahara, known as MINURSO.
In his report, Annan recalled that the two sides had
held separate meetings with his special envoy for the
Western Sahara, the former US secretary of state James
He said he would report to the council next month with
a recommendation on the mandate of MINURSO, which
expires February 28.

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