
[For the record, my mother and almost all of my -
extremely large - family are Canadians. My spleen on
this issue is really a cri de coeur for a country I
had once hoped was sovereign.]
"Jenkins told Hoon in the House that Britain had
'offended' Canada by excluding it from the force so
that it could involve as many EU members as possible
at the 'expense' of its long-standing NATO ally."

Jan. 11, 01:00 EDT Britain denies snubbing Canadian
troop offer
Tory sees EU bias in Afghan plans
Kevin Ward
LONDON — Britain's defence minister says military
planners did not reject Canadian participation in the
United Nations peacekeeping force in Afghanistan as he
tried to lay to rest suggestions yesterday of a rift
with Canada over the mission.
Geoff Hoon told the House of Commons that Britain had
hoped Canadian engineers would be part of the force in
the Afghan capital of Kabul, despite charges by
British newspapers and a Conservative MP that Canada
has been slighted by the minister's military planners.
"There has been some comment about Canada's generous
offer of an infantry battle group," Hoon said in a
statement. "Their offer was not rejected. We were
simply unable to accept it in its entirety from the
The Times of London reported this week that there was
"deep resentment" over the exclusion of a Canadian
presence in the peacekeeping force of 5,000 soldiers.
The Daily Mail joined in yesterday, reporting that
"Britain's handling of the affair has infuriated the
Canadian government."
But Canadian officials in Ottawa and London say
there's no friction between the two governments over
the makeup of the British-led International Security
Assistance Force.
Tory defence critic Bernard Jenkin said Canada's
participation fell victim to a push for a strong
European element as a chance to get a so-called euro
army off the ground. The European Union is trying to
get a 60,000-strong army together for similar
operations by next year, a force the Tories oppose.
`(Canada´s) offer was not rejected. We were simply
unable to accept it in its entirety from the outset.´
British defence minister Geoff Hoon
Jenkin told Hoon in the House that Britain had
"offended" Canada by excluding it from the force so
that it could involve as many EU members as possible
at the "expense" of its long-standing NATO ally.
Canada, a key contributor to past U.N. peacekeeping
operations, had offered 1,000 light infantry troops to
the mission.
Defence Minister Art Eggleton acknowledged the impact
of European politics on the makeup of the peacekeeping
force when he announced Canada was sending 750 troops
to fight alongside U.S. forces in the Kandahar region
of Afghanistan earlier this week.
A three- or four-member Canadian military
reconnaissance party could leave for Afghanistan as
soon as this weekend to scout the region around
Kandahar, defence officials say.
Eggleton said Canada had been going back and forth
with the British over a role in the Kabul force since
before Christmas. The British suggested Canada send
200 engineers immediately, then follow up with the
infantry battalion in three months, but Canada said
Hoon told the House that Britain had hoped to use
Canadian engineers from the start of the peacekeeping
mission in Kabul, then allow Canada's infantry troops
to replace British soldiers after several weeks.

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