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----- Original Message -----
From: SolidNet
Sent: Monday, January 14, 2002 10:57 AM
Subject: CP of Greece, Organization of CPG in Salonica on the conviction of Z.
Karakitsios: ...
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CP of Greece, Organization of CPG in Salonica on the conviction of Z. Karakitsios:
the popular struggles cannot be penalized
From: Communist Party of Greece, Mon. 14 Jan. 2002 , mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Organization of CPG in Salonica on the conviction of Z. Karakitsios: the popular
struggles cannot be penalized
«The conviction of the KKE cadre Z Karakitsios by the court of appeal, marks a new
phase in the development of the policy of terrorism and authoritarianism that the
Greek government follows in the frame of the European  regulations «against
This development is primarily a political issue, in the context of a line that
prevailed during the recent years in the political and social life of the country: the
resistance against the intervention of NATO in Yugoslavia and the Balkans, against the
dirty imperialist war is met with prosecutions and imprisonment of  fighters that
stood in the first line of the struggle against this unjust war.
This unacceptable act, to imprison the cadre of KKE for his anti-NATO, anti-US
activity under false pretexts, generates worries among broader popular strata and the
syndical and mass organisations.
It is an dangerous act, that threatens fundamental democratic rights of our people.
Especially today, that the USA, under the pretext of fighting terrorism, lead the
imperialist campaign against the democratic liberties and rights, the creation of a
all-popular front capable of stopping and reversing this course for the benefit of the
people and its rights, it is an urgent need»
* Yesterday, the branch of KKE in Salonika organised a manifestation and concert in
solidarity with Z. Karakitsios in front of the place that he is been confined, waiting
for his transfer to the prison.
* Resolutions and messages of solidarity with Z Karakitsios that were denouncing the
governmental authoritarianism  and demanded his immediate release were issued until
now by: The Syndicate of Construction Workers, the Panhellenic Union of Marine
Mechanics, the Panhellenic  Union of marine crews «Stefenson», the Union of
Accountants of Athens, the Panhellenic Federation of Organisations of National
Resistance  Fighters, the Panhellenic Union of pensioners, victims and crippled
fighters of the National Resistance, the Labour Centre of Salonica, the municipality
council of Litohoro and the Mayor of Litohoro, and many branches of the peace movement
all over Greece.

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