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'Absolute Wealth Disparity Ratio': the Richest Minority & Poorest Majority

Dear One and All,

We have all seen the articles which detail the richest
people in the world and how perhaps only 4 individuals
own more than the worth of perhaps an entire country.

What strikes me as interesting is if we could determine
just how many rich individuals own more than the
rest of the World's populace put together.

Please allow me to spell this out for clarity: If there are
as we are told, 6,000,000,000 total world populace and
there are, lets say 1,000 extremely wealthy individuals
then would their wealth be greater than the remaining
5,999,998,000' individual's wealth put together?

It would be a helpfull pointer for us to be able to monitor this
ratio - moving up or down as to whether we are making
progress in this field or being shoved backwards.

If there has already been some work done on this 'Absolute 
Wealth Disparity Ratio' then perhaps someone could
point us to it and if not perhaps we could do some work
on it ourselves.


Bill Howard, 15 January 2002, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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