
BBC. 17 January 2002. Philippine inquiry into US troops.

The Philippine senate is to hold public hearings on the legality of
plans to deploy more than 600 US troops in the south of the country.

Presidential spokesman Rigoberto Tiglao has admitted that even Vice
President Teofisto Guingona has raised questions over the plans to
deploy US troops.

A former senator, Francisco Tatad, has accused President Gloria Arroyo
of turning the Philippines into an extension of Afghanistan.

The US is a former colonial power, and nationalist sentiment in the
country is opposed to US involvement.

John McLean, the BBC's Manila correspondent, says many Filipinos suspect
the US wants to open a second front in its war on terrorism.

He says there is speculation that the joint exercises are a cover for a
US operation to rescue an American couple kidnapped by the Abu Sayyaf.

Our correspondent says people's suspicions about the US have been
reinforced because the training exercises will include live firing
exercises on Basilan.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Barry Stoller

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