Sunday, January 20, 2002 5:43 PM

More U.S. Soldiers Arrive in Southern Philippines

Xinhuanet 2002-01-20 21:48:50

   MANILA, January 20 (Xinhuanet) -- Thirty more American soldiers
arrived in the southern Philippine city of Zamboanga Sunday for
joint military exercises with Philippine soldiers.
   The American soldiers landed at the Edwin Andrews Air Base in
Zamboanga from a U.S. military base in Okinawa, Japan, aboard a U.
S. C-130 cargo plane, the Philippine News Agency reported.
   Coming together were communications, construction and
engineering equipment for at least 660 U.S. soldiers who would
take part in the controversial joint war games, dubbed Balikatan
(shoulder to shoulder) 2002, which started last Tuesday in the
southern Philippines.
   President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo has come under fire for the
unprecedented joint military exercises, which would last six
months to one year and allow American troops to fire back if
attacked in operations against the Abu Sayyaf, which the United
States has listed as an international terrorist group with links
to the al-Qaida network of Osama bin Laden.
   Critics said the exercises violated the country's Constitution,
which bans the stationing of foreign troops in the country. The
Congress has been urged to conduct a probe into the legitimacy of
the joint exercises.
   The government and the military defended that the joint war
games are provided for by a mutual defense treaty with the United
States forged in 1951 and the Visiting Forces Agreement ratified
by the Senate in 1999.
   Authorities said the U.S. troops came here only to train the
local military in counter-terrorism and would not engage in direct
combat operations against the Abu Sayyaf which is still holding
two American hostages.  Enditem
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