----- Original Message -----
From: canauk
Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2002 10:36 AM
Subject: paddy ashdown's criminality

( NB new postal address, telephone number & e mail address. Details @ end of this transmission.)

Post colonial satrap Paddy Ashdown, otherwise known as "Lord Ashdown", who acquired a dodgy title from the British PM, as a reward for long years of  unstinting support for New Labour, while nominally leading an
entirely different party, is criticised today for comments he made Friday in testimony at the trial of Slobodan Milosevic.

William Spring is Director of Christians Against Nato Aggression (cana uk), & a co-ordinator of a recently formed national Committee for the Defence of Slobodan Milosevic which held its first meeting in London February 1st 2002 when
almost £1000 was raised.  "About 100 people turned up & we were addressed by Toronto lawyer, Christ Black who like me is a graduate of MacMaster University, Ontario, although we only found this out afterwards"  The meeting was also addressed by Misha Gavrilovic, a Serbian spokesman in London. 'The point of the meeting was to show the support Mr Milosevic enjoys not only in Yugoslavia but from UK residents of all sorts & different shades of opinion & ethnic background.  ( Since that meeting I've had an encouraging letter from Harold Pinter. He say " Chris Black is first rate isn't he? I think Milosevic is giving them a real run for their money. Let's keep fighting on all fronts!" )'

One ceases to feel astonishment at the pith helmeted Ashdown's infinite capacity for pomposity, violence, self indulgence, & myopia. This befits someone whose great grandmother was one of the survivors of the First Afghan War, & as Ashdown has always fancied himself as satrap , & was frustrated in that end in Kosovo by the French, he has now become the UN's Lord High Executioner for Bosnia.

Ashdown appeared before the Hague Tribunal as a witness for the prosecution when in fact, were the Court properly constructed & impartial, with a brief to consider crimes against peace & "the supreme war crime" of planning, preparing & executing aggressive war, he should have been in the  dock, as it was Ashdown who masterminded UK involvement in the March 99 NATO war.
(This may have come out in the testimony & cross examination. I have not so far been able to see the text of all of Lord Ashdown's  remarks as they are not yet posted on the Hague Tribunal web site.
But in an exchange with Mr Milosevic, Ashdown conceded the KLA are a terrorist army & that Mr Milosevic was fighting terrorism.  When Mr Milosevic reminded Ashdown of incidents such as "Bloody Sunday", Ashdown replied the British never used oppressive violence for political objectives, "The British government has never used tanks, artillery, looting and burning to drive people out of their homes, and if we did we would be before this court."
Tell that to the Marines, Paddy, as you used to be one, ( & MI6 station chief in Vienna).
Such comments are tautological,  as the whole point of the NATO war on Yugoslavia was to use weapons of mass destruction against a civilian population, & by such methods to bring pressure to bear upon their government - in short the philosophy of Bomber Harris. 
In the 78 day NATO bombardment NATO attacked homes, offices, maternity clinics & schools, & holidaymakers travelling on intercity trains.
These were deliberate acts of barbarity, & that is why it is members of the 1999 British Government, + Paddy Ashdown as prime mover of the NATO war, from the point of view of UK participation in it, who should be before an international Court, & not Milosevic, whose defence is rock solid, that he was fighting terrorism & defending his country from external attack by Britain, Germany, France & the USA. 
Ashdown, like the majority of British politicians, lives in a flawed moral universe - it is a world of delusion, cant, self importance & hypocrisy, & because he never examines his own actions he doesn't realise how fundamentally difficult it is for ordinary people in Britain to get UK politicians to answer even a simple question,  let alone account for their behaviour in a legal forum. 
In other words, those moralists who put the world to rights aren't themselves willing to submit  to any legal process,  as I found out when I tried bringing a criminal prosecution @ Highgate Magistrates Court against Messers Blair, Cook, Axworthy, Vedrine & Mrs Madelaine Albright in May 1999, using the 1861 Offences Against the Person Act, by which I alleged conspiracy to murder & cause explosions in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.
I found the Judge reluctant to issue proceedings, citing a lack of evidence, (I also alleged a contravention of section 5 of the Criminal Justice Act 1998, in that UK Government Ministers were supporting terrorism within the borders of another sovereign state), but in refusing me leave he was heavily influenced by the fact that a UK Govt representative was present in Court in what was supposed to be an in camera hearing.
Subsequently I asked the Hague Tribunal to investigate UK war crimes but a letter came back saying they weren't particularly interested.
UK politicians aren't in The Hague when they should be in the Hague.
It is Lord Ashdown who defends the murder of innocent people, & terrorism, & the pogrom against the indigenous Serb & Roma people of Kosovo, & the bombing of innocent civilians in Serbia, & the killing of Albanian refugees in Kosovo by US war planes, as he also defends the use (in his new principality) of the Tusla air base by US planes in order to bomb Afghanistan, & Iraq, when the Yugoslav Air Force never used the base for any offensive purpose against another state.

It is about time UK politicians confronted the disconcerting truth about themselves & their inexcusable conduct in the Balkans & the nature of the EU-NATO  partition of Yugoslavia, instead of trying to scapegoat Milosevic.

What is needed most urgently is an application for habeas corpus to the appropriate agencies.
President Milosevic in his opening speech said to the judges: "you were duty bound to call a hearing with respect to the unlawful arrest that took place over my person and with respect to the fact that I was brought here on the basis of a crime having been committed."
No such hearing has been held. How can this so called Court function on the basis of a crime having been committed in order to initiate proceedings?
The President of the UN Security Council & the UN Secretary General should be briefed on the refusal of a UN Court to examine the criminal conduct of its own officers, in that Carla del Ponte conspired to kidnap Mr Milosevic & bring him to The Hague in violation of the Constitution & laws of the FRY. No UN Court can function on this basis, or should not.  

CANA  UK Tel: 44 208 376 1454
1 Scales Rd London N17 9HB UK

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