
"Pantsdown" as he has been rudely nicknamed in Britain
is awful, and his title is undoubtedly for services

He has done this many times before over Jugoslavia.

So he WAS a British agent - station chief, Vienna.

--- "Mrs. Jela Jovanovic" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ---------------------------
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: canauk 
> To: mailto:Undisclosed-Recipient:@SOLAIR.EUnet.yu 
> Sent: Sunday, March 17, 2002 10:36 AM
> Subject: paddy ashdown's criminality
> ( NB new postal address, telephone number & e mail
> address. Details @ end of this transmission.)
> Post colonial satrap Paddy Ashdown, otherwise known
> as "Lord Ashdown", who acquired a dodgy title from
> the British PM, as a reward for long years of 
> unstinting support for New Labour, while nominally
> leading an
> entirely different party, is criticised today for
> comments he made Friday in testimony at the trial of
> Slobodan Milosevic.
> William Spring is Director of Christians Against
> Nato Aggression (cana uk), & a co-ordinator of a
> recently formed national Committee for the Defence
> of Slobodan Milosevic which held its first meeting
> in London February 1st 2002 when
> almost £1000 was raised.  "About 100 people turned
> up & we were addressed by Toronto lawyer, Christ
> Black who like me is a graduate of MacMaster
> University, Ontario, although we only found this out
> afterwards"  The meeting was also addressed by Misha
> Gavrilovic, a Serbian spokesman in London. 'The
> point of the meeting was to show the support Mr
> Milosevic enjoys not only in Yugoslavia but from UK
> residents of all sorts & different shades of opinion
> & ethnic background.  ( Since that meeting I've had
> an encouraging letter from Harold Pinter. He say "
> Chris Black is first rate isn't he? I think
> Milosevic is giving them a real run for their money.
> Let's keep fighting on all fronts!" )'
> One ceases to feel astonishment at the pith helmeted
> Ashdown's infinite capacity for pomposity, violence,
> self indulgence, & myopia. This befits someone whose
> great grandmother was one of the survivors of the
> First Afghan War, & as Ashdown has always fancied
> himself as satrap , & was frustrated in that end in
> Kosovo by the French, he has now become the UN's
> Lord High Executioner for Bosnia. 
> Ashdown appeared before the Hague Tribunal as a
> witness for the prosecution when in fact, were the
> Court properly constructed & impartial, with a brief
> to consider crimes against peace & "the supreme war
> crime" of planning, preparing & executing aggressive
> war, he should have been in the  dock, as it was
> Ashdown who masterminded UK involvement in the March
> 99 NATO war. 
> (This may have come out in the testimony & cross
> examination. I have not so far been able to see the
> text of all of Lord Ashdown's  remarks as they are
> not yet posted on the Hague Tribunal web site.
> But in an exchange with Mr Milosevic, Ashdown
> conceded the KLA are a terrorist army & that Mr
> Milosevic was fighting terrorism.  When Mr Milosevic
> reminded Ashdown of incidents such as "Bloody
> Sunday", Ashdown replied the British never used
> oppressive violence for political objectives, "The
> British government has never used tanks, artillery,
> looting and burning to drive people out of their
> homes, and if we did we would be before this court."
> Tell that to the Marines, Paddy, as you used to be
> one, ( & MI6 station chief in Vienna). 
> Such comments are tautological,  as the whole point
> of the NATO war on Yugoslavia was to use weapons of
> mass destruction against a civilian population, & by
> such methods to bring pressure to bear upon their
> government - in short the philosophy of Bomber
> Harris.  
> In the 78 day NATO bombardment NATO attacked homes,
> offices, maternity clinics & schools, &
> holidaymakers travelling on intercity trains.
> These were deliberate acts of barbarity, & that is
> why it is members of the 1999 British Government, +
> Paddy Ashdown as prime mover of the NATO war, from
> the point of view of UK participation in it, who
> should be before an international Court, & not
> Milosevic, whose defence is rock solid, that he was
> fighting terrorism & defending his country from
> external attack by Britain, Germany, France & the
> USA. 
> Ashdown, like the majority of British politicians,
> lives in a flawed moral universe - it is a world of
> delusion, cant, self importance & hypocrisy, &
> because he never examines his own actions he doesn't
> realise how fundamentally difficult it is for
> ordinary people in Britain to get UK politicians to
> answer even a simple question,  let alone account
> for their behaviour in a legal forum.  
> In other words, those moralists who put the world to
> rights aren't themselves willing to submit  to any
> legal process,  as I found out when I tried bringing
> a criminal prosecution @ Highgate Magistrates Court
> against Messers Blair, Cook, Axworthy, Vedrine & Mrs
> Madelaine Albright in May 1999, using the 1861
> Offences Against the Person Act, by which I alleged
> conspiracy to murder & cause explosions in the
> Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. 
> I found the Judge reluctant to issue proceedings,
> citing a lack of evidence, (I also alleged a
> contravention of section 5 of the Criminal Justice
> Act 1998, in that UK Government Ministers were
> supporting terrorism within the borders of another
> sovereign state), but in refusing me leave he was
> heavily influenced by the fact that a UK Govt
> representative was present in Court in what was
> supposed to be an in camera hearing. 
> Subsequently I asked the Hague Tribunal to
> investigate UK war crimes but a letter came back
> saying they weren't particularly interested.
> UK politicians aren't in The Hague when they should
> be in the Hague. 
> It is Lord Ashdown who defends the murder of
> innocent people, & terrorism, & the pogrom against
> the indigenous Serb & Roma people of Kosovo, & the
> bombing of innocent civilians in Serbia, & the
> killing of Albanian refugees in Kosovo by US war
> planes, as he also defends the use (in his new
> principality) of the Tusla air base by US planes in
> order to bomb Afghanistan, & Iraq, when the Yugoslav
> Air Force never used the base for any offensive
> purpose against another state.
> It is about time UK politicians confronted the
> disconcerting truth about themselves & their
> inexcusable conduct in the Balkans & the nature of
> the EU-NATO  partition of Yugoslavia, instead of
> trying to scapegoat Milosevic.
> What is needed most urgently is an application for
> habeas corpus to the appropriate agencies. 
> President Milosevic in his opening speech said to
> the judges: "you were duty bound to call a hearing
> with respect to the unlawful arrest that took place
> over my person and with respect to the fact that I
> was brought here on the basis of a crime having been
> committed."
> No such hearing has been held. How can this so
> called Court function on the basis of a crime having
> been committed in order to initiate proceedings? 
> The President of the UN Security Council & the UN
> Secretary General should be briefed on the refusal
> of a UN Court to examine the criminal conduct of its
> own officers, in that Carla del Ponte conspired to
> kidnap Mr Milosevic & bring him to The Hague in
> violation of the Constitution & laws of the FRY. No
> UN Court can function on this basis, or should not. 
> ends
=== message truncated ===

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