
The Bangkok Post
March 21, 2002

Zimbabwe govt rejects 'fundamentally flawed' CWealth

-He also said the report "deliberately suppressed
vital public information on the massive British and
some EU countries' funding of the MDC over the last
two years."

The Commonwealth decision to suspend Zimbabwe was
based on conclusions that were "fundamentally flawed,"
Foreign Minister Stan Mudenge said.

The Zimbabwe government rejects the findings, which
"undermine the credibility of the Commonwealth,"
Mudenge told a press conference.

Speaking the day after the Commonwealth announced the
one-year suspension in London, Mudenge called on "all
member countries to give urgent and active attention
to the hijacking of the collective will of the
Commonwealth to serve the hostile intentions of a

The Commonwealth based its decision to suspend
Zimbabwe on a report compiled by observers to last
week's controversial presidential election returning
longtime ruler Robert Mugabe to power.

The decision was reached by a three-nation panel
comprising Mugabe allies South Africa and Nigeria,
plus Australia.

The Commonwealth observers had found that the election
did not reflect the true will of the voters, and had
been held in a climate of fear following a systematic
campaign of violence and intimidation against
supporters of the opposition Movement for Democratic
Change (MDC) of losing candidate Morgan Tsvangirai.

Mudenge charged that the composition of the observer
mission was "heavily influenced" by Commonwealth
Secretary General Don McKinnon of New Zealand and
"those member countries who harbour well-known
negative dispositions and hidden agendas against

He also said the report "deliberately suppressed vital
public information on the massive British and some EU
countries' funding of the MDC over the last two

Nor did the report mention the "bellicose
saber-rattling by the British government and its
allies in order to intimidate and frighten the people
of Zimbabwe into voting against President Mugabe,"
Mudenge said.

Departing from his prepared statement, the foreign
minister then asked: "Who frightened who?"

In answer to questions, Mudenge said the government
had not been given a chance to respond to the full
report by the observer mission, having seen only an
interim report released last Thursday.

"President Mbeki and President Obasanjo were
confronted by this fraud report in London, a report on
which we were not given the opportunity to comment.
They were prisoners of a false report."

His condemnation the report and its conclusions
notwithstanding, Mudenge dismissed the impact of
Zimbabwe's suspension from the Commonwealth.

Mudenge said it was "like being savaged by a dead
sheep," borrowing a phrase coined in 1978 by Britain's
then chancellor of the exchequer Denis Healey on being
attacked by conservative MP Geoffrey Howe over his
budget proposals.

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