3 Years ago tomorrow - March 24 1999, was the start of NATO's murderous 78 day bombing campaign against the people of Yugoslavia

From: "Irina Malenko" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |
Subject: Fw: 1999 - March 24! - a message from Bulgaria
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2002 07:40:18 -0000

Sent: 23 March 2002 07:21
Subject: 1999 - March 24!



On March 24 1999 USA-NATO criminally attacked a neighbouring country and for 79 days and nights most barbarously bombed its towns and villages, chemical and other plants and factories, power stations, trains, airports and bridges. Thousands of totally innocent civilians, including children, women and helpless elderly people were murdered and crippled. Tens of thousands remained homeless. Hundreds of thousands are the refugees, forcibly driven from their houses and home places. The USA-NATO bombings contaminated forever with Uranium wastes, elements, of the so-called genetic “weapons”, and deliberately sprayed poisonous substances not only Kosovo and Yugoslavia but practically whole South-Eastern Europe and the bordering regions. The activity of those deliberately used over our lands and against all of us elements is unlimited in time because they disintegrate for billions of years. Their consequences do not disappear with therun of time but get more and more murderous and keep taking more and more victims. Look at Iraq of today: it was bombed in the same way and with the same bombs ten years ago. That deliberately covered up truth from us is felt already also by many families of the Western soldiers having taken part in both wars: they keep getting ill and dying by “unidentified” syndromes. There are such cases also among Bulgarians, who have been in Kosovo and Bosnia.

Today the people, nature and the whole territory of Afghanistan are subjected to the same bombing and treatment! They are not so very far away from us as it seems. Besides, in Eastern Afghanistan, just where these days the resistance against the murdering invaders is particularly strong and spirited – in the lands of ancient Baktia! - people live who are descendents of our ancestors, the ancient Bulgarians.

Let us honour all the victims of the barbarism raging today arrogant because of its temporary impunity!

Let us pay tribute also to the small in number but worthy Bulgarians who have sacrificed their lives in the WORLD WAR AGAINST THE WORLD AGGRESSORS!

D E A T H to the genetically limited and crippled parasitic and man-hating F A S C I S M of nowadays – having enslaved for long the people of the USA, it is trying today to do the same with all the people all over the world!

V I C T O R Y - for the peaceful, constructive and benevolent Mankind!

Sofia, BULGARIA – March 24, 2002

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