From: "Jim Yarker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: US: It's time for Zimbabwe to match Florida's exalted standards
Date: Sat, 23 Mar 2002 03:51:20 -0500

[which is not quite how they put it.  Charles Snyder, American deputy assistant of state for African affairs, on the Tsvangirai video: "Those of you who have seen the tape, it looks doctored to me, speaking personally, and I've been in the Africa business a long time."  Newcomers to “the Africa business” should follow the pronouncements of Snyder and his colleagues closely over the next while]


The Herald (Harare), 3/23/02


                                     US blackmails Africa to ditch Zim


                      By Political Editor, Philip Magwaza

                      THE United States government has now resorted to blackmail in an effort to force

                      African countries to isolate and condemn the Zimbabwean Government for

                      winning the just ended presidential election.


                      In a desperate bid to build consensus on its anti-Zanu-PF and President Mugabe

                      campaign, the American government has promised massive aid to African

                      countries if they ditch Zimbabwe. The American administration has already

                      slapped the country with sanctions.


                      According to Reuters news agency, a senior US official told African countries on

                      Thursday that US aid to Africa could suffer if they did not take a stand against

                      this month’s presidential elections in Zimbabwe.


                      The United States, Britain and the Commonwealth say the election, won by

                      incumbent President Robert Mugabe, was not free or fair because of violence and

                      intimidation by President Mugabe’s ruling Zanu-PF party.


                      But African governments have rallied behind President Mugabe and declared the

                      election free and fair. Most of these governments felt that Western outrage is

                      driven in part by sympathy for the white farmers who control most of the arable

                      land that Mugabe is redistributing.


                      Charles Snyder, a deputy assistant of state for African affairs, told a gathering at

                      the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington that Zimbabwe

                      had become a test case for attitudes toward governance in Africa.


                      He said: "We have begun a bargain with Africa in general, a new day in Africa in

                      which we are looking for this new Economic Partnership for African Development.


                      "The rules of the game call on the Africans to provide good governance, peer

                      review and, if you want, neighborhood watch."


                      "If Africa doesn’t step up here it’s going to cripple our ability to provide the kind

                      of economic development assistance we want to provide — not the humanitarian

                      aid, but serious economic assistance," he added.


                      "The Commonwealth has stepped up and we are gratified by that but we are

                      looking forward to the rest of Africa stepping forward on this," he said.


                      Snyder said the Bush administration would impose financial sanctions on

                      Zimbabwean leaders, on top of the US visa ban it has already slapped on Mugabe

                      and about two dozen associates.


                      US officials have said for days they are moving in that direction but have not

                      explained a delay in announcing a freeze of any assets the Zimbabwean leaders

                      may have in the country.


                      Snyder said: "How that will come out is a matter of bureaucratic infighting, but

                      stay tuned. There will be action on that front as well."


                      The US official repeated Washington’s complaints about the conduct of the

                      presidential elections, which ran from March 9 to March 11, and added that he

                      doubted the authenticity of a tape purporting to support treason charges against

                      the defeated opposition candidate, Morgan Tsvangirai.


                      "Those of you who have seen the tape, it looks doctored to me, speaking

                      personally, and I've been in the Africa business a long time," he said.


                      "It's that kind of accusation that goes beyond the norms of politics. That's why we

                      are so outraged."


                      The Zimbabwean ambassador to the United States, Dr Simbi Mubako, disputed the

                      allegations that the election was rigged.


                      He said the voting was not perfect but the imperfections could not have changed

                      the outcome.


                      Although there was a lot of pressure from the United States, the European Union,

                      Britain and other members of the Commonwealth for the imposition of sanctions,

                      the Commonwealth troika on Zimbabwe resisted this pressure resulting in a

                      symbolic suspension of the country from the councils of the 54-nation grouping.


                      However, this has triggered a new frenzy from Western capitals threatening to

                      impose individual sanctions, which unfortunately were already in place and are

                      unlikely to cause any new damage.


                      Zimbabwe has survived for over five years now under unofficial sanctions from

                      most European countries that had diverted their funding to promoting opposition

                      politics and civic organisations opposed to the Zimbabwe government.


                      Canada a long time ally of Zimbabwe was expressing mixed signals following the

                      one year suspension with critics of Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien arguing

                      that the suspension was inadequate. Keith Martin a foreign affairs spokesman for

                      the opposition Canadian Alliance Party, said the suspension was an inadequate

                      slap on the wrist.


                      He called for tougher sanctions, which include an arms embargo and travel ban on

                      President Mugabe and Government ministers. Chretien resisted moves in Australia

                      at the Commonwealth Summit for harsh punitive action. Canada though has

                      already suspended most of its development aid to Zimbabwe and extended its ban

                      on travel to include most Government officials or people with connections to



                      Australia irked by the symbolic one-year suspension was urging its citizens not to

                      come to Zimbabwe.


                      Without any tangible proof of violence breaking out in Zimbabwe, foreign affairs

                      minister Alexander Downer called on Australian citizens to defer holiday and

                      normal business to Zimbabwe.


                      Analysts wondered whether Australia was going to fuel unrest and create a

                      chaotic state of affairs.


                      However, its cricket team due to tour Zimbabwe has refused to cancel its trip.


                      In London gay rights activist Peter Tatchell told Reuters that Zimbabwe human

                      rights watchdog Amani Trust had documented hundreds of incidents of what they

                      called state sanctioned torture which should be used to arrest President Mugabe.


                      However, it has since been revealed that the Amani Trust was just a front for the

                      MDC used to document alleged cases of violence against the opposition party

                      and to shelter alleged victims of political violence who were used for

                      demonstrations and political attacks on the ruling party.


                      British foreign secretary Jack Straw is dying for stiffer penalties against Zimbabwe.



                      He is hoping that this weekend’s European Union meeting in Barcelona should

                      review sanctions against Zimbabwe.


                      Denmark because of its close links with MDC since its formation has openly

                      shown its dislike for the Zimbabwe Government. The Danish Government has

                      gone to the extent of closing its embassy in Harare and relocated to South Africa.


                      Switzerland according to reports is proposing travel and financial restrictions

                      against Zimbabwe. New Zealand, the home country of the Commonwealth

                      secretary general, Don McKinnon is advocating for the barring of Zimbabwe from

                      the Commonwealth Games.


                      The agenda, it has since emerged, is not about elections which have been

                      described as legitimate by African countries, China and other progressive nations

                      but, the removal of President Mugabe because of his land reform programme

                      which threatens the lavish lifestyles of white farmers in Zimbabwe.

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