
                                                  AN OPEN LETTER
                            TO SECRATRY OF STATE COLIN POWELL

Dear And Esteemed Mr. Secretary

         I   bring  to your personal attention the  recent  message  to  Serbia  by two of our Senators. They are demanding delivery to the Hague Tribunal for Yugoslavia (now Serbia and Montenegro) of several prominent Serbs in and out of office as a minimal price tag for some $40,000,000 in promised aid. They are also implying that no other consideration   can outweigh this particular demand. The State Department is to certify by 31st March that Serbia “qualifies” for the release of these funds.

       May I point out that  this is  in  serious  conflict with the policy just announced by President Bush to the effect that economic and social misery in other countries provide the breeding grounds for hate directed at us at home. A very substantial increase in foreign aid to combat this  condition  is in the making. I respectfully urge you to advise our President to disregard what is nothing less than a misguided, shallow  and  morally indefensible blackmail that demeans our national dignity.

         We have punished the Serbs (our allies in two World Wars) enough with eleven years   of   brutal   economic  sanctions   plus  eleven weeks of bombing their  civilian infrastructure without even a declaration of war. Estimates of damage range between   $40  BILLION  and twice that  amount. As a consequence,  the  economic and social misery in Serbia is acute even if  the demanding Senators cannot bring themselves  to admit it. Just over 50% of the labor force is begging for a job. Everything else is in a state of penury. The hardest hit is the Serb middle  class  which holds the greatest promise for democratic changes.

         If President Bush is right in His assessment as He surely is, we should not merely release the outstanding  $40,000,000 but get together with other members of NATO to resurrect the Serb economy  and  reduce  the social misery. We must   NOT INSIST  on further punishments at a Tribunal which is blatantly  political and  which has no respect for the premise of Anglo-Saxon Common Law (and our Law as well) that a person is innocent until  PROVEN  guilty.

History   Department, University of California                      Respectfully,
Berkeley, CA. 94720 (510/642-1971                           Raymond K. Kent, Emeritus



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