
THE NEW AMERICAN, Vol. 18, No. 06, March 25, 2002

Bosnia: Hub of Terrorist Axis?

In a series of reports beginning in 1996, The New American warned that
Bosnia, the UN-administered former Yugoslav province, had become a staging
area for Muslim terrorist groups. Following the Black Tuesday attacks, we
reviewed those prior warnings and pointed out that both Bosnia and Kosovo
had become UN-protected "safe havens" for Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda network
(see "Behind the Terror Network" in our November 5, 2001 issue). A February
21st AP report from Sarajevo confirms those warnings.

Last October, NATO troops raided the offices of the Saudi High Commissioner
for Aid to Bosnia, a "charity" created by Saudi Prince Selman bin Abdul-Aziz
allegedly to aid Bosnian Muslim war orphans. Among the materials seized
during the raid were "photos of targets of past terror attacks - the World
Trade Center, the Pentagon,... the U.S.S. Cole,... and the U.S. embassies in
Kenya and Tanzania.... The pictures showed the targets both before and after
the attacks."

NATO troops captured six suspected collaborators in the Black Tuesday
attack, including Bensayah Belkacem, "who U.S. officials allege served as
Osama bin Laden's top lieutenant in Europe." Also netted in the raid were
items suggesting terrorist attacks yet to come: Street maps of Washington,
D.C., on which government buildings had been marked; a computer program
explaining how to use crop duster aircrafts to spread pesticide; and
"materials used to make fake State Department identification badges and
credit cards...."

"The raid of the agency coincided with the arrests last October of six
Algerian-born men, including one, Sabir Lamar, who had worked for the Saudi
organization," continued the AP report. "All six were handed over last month
to U.S. authorities, who have said they had evidence implicating the
suspects in planned post-Sept. 11 attacks on Western targets. Lamar was the
son-in-law of a local employee of the U.S. Embassy in Sarajevo who had the
keys to the building...."

NATO's intervention made it possible for the radical Muslim terrorist
network to gain its European beachhead in the Balkans. NATO is a regional
affiliate of the UN, which supposedly provides the authority for the war
against terrorism.

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