
CDI Russia Weekly #198 
March 24, 2002

Parlamentskaya Gazeta 
No. 52 2002 
The Strong Resolve 2002 NATO war games held close to
Russia's borders over 
By Valery GROMAK

-The US generals may try to camouflage the genuine
goal of their exercises as a peacekeeping operation,
but even a cursory analysis of the games shows that in
the Baltic and Poland NATO, and above all the USA,
trained in military interference in interstate and
internal political problems of sovereign European
countries under the pretext of peacekeeping

The Strong Resolve 2002 war games of NATO, the largest
in the past decade, were held on the northwestern
borders of Russia for two weeks in March. They
involved over 26,000 troops from 15 NATO countries, up
to 50 warships and auxiliary vessels, and over 70
aircraft. The area of the exercise included a part of
Norway and Poland (it was for the first time that NATO
exercises were held in Poland), as well as the
Norwegian, Northern and Baltic seas. The main goal of
the games was to check the plans and possibilities of
the multinational group of forces in simultaneous
settlement of two crisis situations in different parts
of the world.

The scenario of the war games stipulated two crisis

the Northern (Norway) and the Southern (Poland,
Germany, the Czech republic, Belarus, Lithuania,
Ukraine and the Kaliningrad Region of Russia). In the
northern area NATO troops trained in repelling an
aggression launched by a conventional adversary
against a member country. In the southern area an
international peacekeeping operation was held on the
territory of conventional states, where the situation
included a basic package of crisis problems.

Here is the essence of the scenario. A crisis develops
on the ruins of a formerly integral state, leading to
a sanguinary conflict between subjects of democratic
changes. One of the sides (in this case the proponent
of "correct" democracy), suffering defeat in an armed
conflict, seeks the assistance of the UN. The UN
Secretary General asks NATO to launch an operation to
settle the crisis there. And NATO resorts to the
Yugoslav experience of "appeasing" the warring sides
and punishing the guilty parties, using the tried and
tested standards and procedures.

The Russian General Staff believes that Russia and
Belarus were given the role of "aggressors" in these
war games. The position of Minsk is even harsher, as
the Polish part of the war games envisaged the
operation of NATO troops directly on the territory of
Belarus, where according to NATO generals the people
revolted against the regime. The Belarussian military
acquired information according to which the first day
of the NATO war games provided for NATO peacekeeping
actions directly in Minsk.

A careful analysis of the composition of the troops
involved in the games shows that it consisted mostly
of rapid deployment forces (commandos, frogmen,
reconnaissance and subversive groups), units that were
to covertly deliver these forces to the site of
operation and give them fire support from the sea and
the air. Even a layman will see that such special task
groups are designed above all for offensive
operations. "It is shocking that these NATO war games,
the largest in the past decade staged on the border of
Russia, were held to train in exclusively offensive
operations," says Admiral Vladimir Valuyev, commander
of the Baltic Fleet.

The Baltic part of the NATO exercise stipulated a
series of tasks which the joint group of NATO forces
may have to fulfil in an armed conflict with a country
that has powerful armed forces.

These tasks included naval control of navigation, a
mine war, tactical aviation strikes at naval targets,
the use of missile strike boats, a comprehensive
combat training of minesweepers, and broad use of
special operations and psychological warfare units. By
NATO logic, subversives are the best peacekeepers.

The US generals may try to camouflage the genuine goal
of their exercises as a peacekeeping operation, but
even a cursory analysis of the games shows that in the
Baltic and Poland NATO, and above all the USA, trained
in military interference in interstate and internal
political problems of sovereign European countries
under the pretext of peacekeeping operations.

The Strong Resolve 2002 war games are over. Both the
NATO headquarters and the Russian General Staff will
evaluate their results. But it is clear that this NATO
exercise was yet another example of US policy of
maintaining US domination in Europe and reviving the
Cold War.


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