
Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty
March 22, 2002

Albania: U.S. Envoy Concerned Over Terrorism In
By Alban Bala

-Interpol recently said 40 percent of European
narcotics trafficking transits Albania. More than
40,000 Albanian girls, many of them minors, are
exploited for the sex trade by regional Mafia. These
activities are estimated to generate more than $1
billion a year.

A U.S. envoy in Tirana this week promised unlimited
U.S. support for fighting terrorism and rooting out
suspected terrorist cells in the region. The envoy,
James Holmes, also singled out Greece as a country of
particular concern. 

Tirana, 21 March 2002 (RFE/RL) -- U.S. special envoy
for the Balkans James Holmes, on a visit to Tirana
this week, expressed grave concern about the presence
of suspected terrorists in the Balkans.

He promised what he called Washington's "unlimited
support" for an effective fight against terrorist
capabilities in the region.

Holmes singled out Greece as a country of particular
concern. He said, "The failure over a number of years
in the fight against the 'November 17 Movement' in
Greece has been a cause of enormous concern for the
United States." The group has traditionally targeted
the U.S. military and diplomatic presence in Greece.

Holmes, who recently replaced James Pardew as the U.S.
special Balkans envoy, called on authorities in Greece
"to renew the imperative which we place on their
renewed commitment to deal effectively and
definitively with the terrorist activities of
'November 17'."

Holmes also noted the recent detention of terrorists
in Bosnia-Herzegovina and of other terrorist suspects
in Albania several years ago. He said these are of no
less concern to Washington than the November 17 group
in Greece.

He added, however, that the U.S. has found, in both
Bosnia and Albania, effective cooperation from
authorities in dealing with terrorism.

"So we look to the authorities throughout the region
to be alert to the opportunities which terrorists may
try to exploit in the Balkans and to be aggressive in
terms of the development of their capabilities to work
against terrorist interests. We are concerned with
terrorism on a global basis, and we were concerned
with terrorism as it may manifest itself in the

Holmes was equally outspoken in advising Albania to
pay more attention to combating the trafficking of
drugs and people across its territory. He says Albania
should make better use of the assistance offered by
the U.S. and Europe.

"It's important for Albania to make better consumption
and better use of the assistance which is being made
available. And it's important for Albania to reaffirm
its partners with respect to its commitment to be
serious about dealing and managing the trafficking

Interpol recently said 40 percent of European
narcotics trafficking transits Albania. More than
40,000 Albanian girls, many of them minors, are
exploited for the sex trade by regional Mafia. These
activities are estimated to generate more than $1
billion a year.

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