

U.S. Exploring Military Presence in Sri Lanka
25 March 2002


The United States and Sri Lanka have recently increased contacts between
their military representatives. With chances improving for a more lasting
peace between the Tamil Tiger rebels and government, the United States is
laying the groundwork to deploy military personnel to Sri Lanka.


Christina Rocca, the U.S. assistant secretary of state for South Asia, and
U.S. Marine Gen. Timothy Ghormley on March 15 visited the Sri Lankan
peninsula of Jaffna, which has been ravaged by civil war between Tamil Tiger
separatists and the government. During the visit the officials met with
Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe and discussed military cooperation
between the two countries.

The visit was the first by high-level U.S. civilian and military officials
to Jaffna, and it points to efforts by the United States to use Sri Lankan
territory for military purposes. New peace efforts between the government
and rebels are helping to open the door for a semi-permanent U.S. military
presence in Sri Lanka.

The country's location in the Indian Ocean makes Sri Lanka strategically
important to Washington. Because it sits between the Middle East and Asia,
access to Sri Lankan ports would ease the transport of U.S. military ships,
troops and equipment. The fact that the country hugs the southern tip of
India would also allow the United States to keep New Delhi's growing
regional influence and naval reach in check.

Rocca indicated that Ghormley accompanied her to Sri Lanka to discuss
military cooperation, including assistance in operating C-130 transport
planes, as well as to address humanitarian matters such as the removal of
land mines. But a U.S. Marine general would not likely visit a war-ravaged
area in Sri Lanka while Washington is battling terrorism simply to discuss
the removal of land mines. Ghormley is there to make decisions.

By visiting Jaffna he can more easily ascertain the status of Sri Lanka's
civil war and the chances that the United States could park some ships on
the island. The visit is part of a recent under-the-table effort by the
United States to establish a military presence throughout Asia, including in
Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam.

Sri Lanka has one of the world's deepest natural ports, Trincomalee, on its
northeastern flank. The U.S. Embassy and the Defense Ministry in the country
denied reports last September that Colombo offered Trincomalee as a
refueling station for the U.S. military, the Financial Times reported Oct.
3, 2001. The Times story came a day after a team of U.S. naval experts
surveyed security at the Colombo port. The Sri Lankan navy and U.S. Embassy
officials also denied the survey was part of a plan to deploy U.S. troops

The outbreak of rebel attacks in Trincomalee during the civil war has
endangered the stability of the area and represents a threat to any possible
U.S. contingent stationed there. However, following Wickremesinghe's
election last December, the Tamil Tigers agreed to a cease-fire Feb. 23 that
might lead to future talks on a permanent peace agreement.

The Tigers have agreed to cease-fires in the past, only for the peace to end
a few months later. But the rebel group openly supported the election of
Wickremesinghe, who was seen as more willing to cooperate with the Tigers
and whose visit to Jaffna last week was the first visit by a top government
official in 20 years.

The new cease-fire has a better chance for success than those of the past
because few on either side of the war want the current truce to end. The
economy is in ruins -- a successful rebel attack on an airport in Colombo in
July 2001 and security fears post-Sept. 11 quashed the tourism industry, one
of Sri Lanka's main moneymakers. The business industry has grown extremely
weary of the war's effect on investment. Poverty levels have also risen as a
result of refugee flight from Tiger-controlled and disputed territories.

But no one wants the peace to continue more than the United States. U.S.
officials -- including Secretary of State Colin Powell -- have issued a
number of statements supporting the cease-fire, calling for the Tigers to
honor the deal and encouraging mediation between the two sides. With a
long-term cease-fire and a possible peace agreement would come stability at
Trincomalee, and a foreign military contingent wouldn't have to face a
serious threat of attacks from rebels.

In fact, the U.S. Embassy announced Feb. 8 that Vice Adm. James W. Metzger,
commander of the U.S. 7th Fleet, was to visit Colombo Feb. 8 and 9. Such a
visit could very well signify an increase in military cooperation between
Washington and Colombo, with the next step being actual troops in Sri Lanka.

A U.S. deployment to Sri Lanka might anger India, which sees the country as
part of its sphere of influence. But during this time of war, Washington
will not pay much attention to political niceties. A military presence in
the middle of the Indian Ocean that is closer to strategic areas than the
U.S. naval base at Diego Garcia is far too valuable. And the United States
is doing all it can to ensure it gains such a position.


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