   Why this nasty, ad hominem rejoinder? I have heard this kind of "leftist" attack on leftists before, always the same thing, "you are preaching to the choir." But actually, the choir needs to learn the words, and this LISTSERV functions as the librettist (for me, a writer and activists on these issues. It isn't the all-news AM radio station which occasionally has a gem of truth. It has a more educational purpose.

The line "You take your allies where you can find them." is opportunist, for Margolis is no ally. If a political pundit occasionally contributes to the rectifying of a wrong, it doesn't make him an ally, he has merely served some use in the struggle.
   That's what Rick is upset about, because you appeared to give Margolis too much credit. Even a broken clock is right twice a day, but that doesn't mean it is running.
   If there is a political enemy out there and he or she is correct on the Yugoslavia or NATO story (The Washington Times comes to mind) that is something to be dealt with very carefully.
  There have been cases in the US since the early 1990s of people trying not to appear too left or with the left on these issues. They have formed alliances with right wingers and people like Margolis. They operate individualistically and do not work to form a movement. That's where opportunism can get you.
   It is really important to know who is a real ally and who isn't.
   STOPNATO is for cadre. That's OK.

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